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刘岳东,湖南桃江县人,1923年1月16日生。1949年前中央大学土木工程学系毕业(现南京大学),授予工学学士学位。1949年7月,参加中国人民解放军西南服务团,1950年2月从南京到达昆明,当年参加工业军事接管。1951年1月起,参加昆明市建筑公司组建工作(后改名市建工局,省建筑公司)。1955年1月,调建筑设计处(后改名云南省设计院)。1956年由技术员晋升为工程师,任标准设计室结构组长。1958年错处降职,1979年恢复工程师。1980年任省设计院副总工程师,后曾代任总工程师。1992年离休,时年69岁,继续留任院顾问总工。1979年,中国建筑学会地基基础学术委员会成立,任学术委员(后改理事)。1982年晋升为高级工程师。1988年评审为教授级高级工程师。连续担任省建筑学会结构委员会副理事长和昆明市土力学与基础工程学会副理事长多年。并任省城建委专家咨询组成员、建设厅专家组成员。1992年十月国务院决定发给政府特殊津贴。1992年至1994年度云南省“讲理想比贡献”竞赛,被评为先进个人。因为对工作一直离而未休,2002年评为云南省老有所为先进个人。 Liu Yue Dong, Taojiang County, Hunan Province, January 16, 1923 students. Before 1949, graduated from Central University Department of Civil Engineering (now Nanjing University), awarded a bachelor’s degree in engineering. July 1949, to participate in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Southwest Service, arrived in February 1950 from Nanjing, Kunming, then participated in the industrial military takeover. Since January 1951, he has participated in the formation of construction companies in Kunming (renamed as City Construction Bureau and Provincial Construction Company). January 1955, transferred the design office (later renamed the Yunnan Provincial Design Institute). 1956 by the technician was promoted to engineer, any standard design studio structure leader. In 1958 the demobilization department was demoted, and engineers were resumed in 1979. In 1980 the provincial chief designer of the Institute of Design, after replacing the chief engineer. Retired in 1992, at the age of 69, continue to serve as chief consultant in the hospital. In 1979, the foundational academic foundation of the Chinese Architectural Society was established as an academic committee member (later reorganization). In 1982 was promoted to senior engineer. 1988 review as a professor-level senior engineer. For consecutive years as the Provincial Institute of Architecture Vice Chairman and Kunming Institute of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering vice president for many years. He is also a member of provincial urban construction committee expert advisory group and a member of expert group of Construction Department. In October 1992, the State Council decided to issue special government allowances. From 1992 to 1994, Yunnan Province, “the ideal contribution to” competition, was named advanced individual. Because of the work has been left without a break, in 2002 as Yunnan Province for the advanced individuals.
摘要 本文通过对我国现行导游薪酬现状的分析,从完善旅游行业立法,加强各旅游部门间的联系,规范市场、严厉打击旅行社间的恶性削价竞争、完善导游薪酬体系、提升导游自身素质等方面提出了导游薪酬体制改革的措施。  关键词 导游 薪酬现状 改革措施  中图分类号:F591文献标识码:A    旅游业是典型的劳动密集型产业,服务质量取决于第一线直接面对游客的服务人员提供的服务。但是导游服务质量和服务水平不但没有
摘要 中国自1988年至2009年的预算发展历程表明,中国从传统的预算平衡走向后平衡时代。时下为应对金融危机,预算赤字势在必行,因此有必要对预算平衡进行重新思考。  关键词 预算平衡 赤字  中图分类号:F810.4文献标识码:A    在20世纪三十年代的大萧条时期,美国总统罗斯福安排了预算赤字用于兴建公共工程,刺激经济的一系列措施。其后的1937年美国经济再次面临经济衰退时,罗斯福说服国会采取