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山东龙口矿业集团有限公司挂牌一年来,集团公司领导解放思想、加快发展,各项指标均创出龙口矿区历史最好水平。2003年3月30日龙口矿务局改制为山东龙口矿业集团有限公司,正式由工厂制变成公司制管理。挂牌之初,董事长、党委书记宋子安就明确提出:换牌子只是形式,换机制才是根本!龙矿建立了规范的法人治理结构和适应市场经济的现代企业制度,形成了大集团发展的格局。提出了“超前发展、做大做强”的思路,要博才众长,创新发展;发展就是一切,发展决定一切。龙矿集团以敢于超越、敢于挑战的姿态,昂起了主业发展的龙头。目前,龙矿正在加大海域煤田研究开发力度,争取到今年第四季度使全国首个海下采煤工作面正式投产。与此同时,他们与山西等省区积极联系,以期形成300万吨的省外煤炭生产能力。今年1-4月份,龙矿集团原煤产销量已经达到了224.36万吨和220.96万吨,宋子安成竹在胸,信心满怀:“按照这个速度发展,龙矿明年就可望达到千万 In the past year since the listing of Shandong Longkou Mining Group Co., Ltd., the leaders of the group company emancipated their minds and accelerated their development. All indicators have created the best historical level in Longkou Mining Area. March 30, 2003 Longkou Mining Bureau restructuring Shandong Longkou Mining Group Co., Ltd., formally changed from a factory system to corporate management. At the beginning of the listing, the Chairman and Party Secretary Song Zian made it clear that the change of brand is a mere formality and that the exchange mechanism is the fundamental! Long Mine established a standardized corporate governance structure and a modern enterprise system adapted to a market economy, and formed a large group of development pattern. Put forward the idea of ​​”developing ahead, making bigger and stronger“, we should make breakthroughs in all fields and innovate and develop; development is everything and development is everything. Dragon Mining Group to dare to go beyond, dare to challenge the attitude, raised the main business development leader. At present, Long Mine is stepping up research and development of coalfields in the sea and strive to officially put into operation the first coal mining face in the country in the fourth quarter of this year. At the same time, they actively contacted Shanxi and other provinces and autonomous regions with a view to forming a 3-million-ton coal production capacity outside the province. From January to April this year, the production and sales volume of raw coal of Long Mine Group has reached 2.2436 million tons and 2.2 million tons. Soong is confident and full of confidence: ”According to this speed development, the dragon mine is expected to reach 10 million next year.
目的:  临床研究主要探讨术后血清降钙素水平与甲状腺髓样癌预后的相关性,基础研究主要探讨增值细胞相关抗原(Ki67)和降钙素在甲状腺髓样癌组织中的表达及其临床意义。  方法
目的: 本研究分析结节病患者支气管肺泡灌洗液中中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞、CD4+T细胞、CD8+T细胞、CD4/CD8比值与CT表现之间的相关性。 材料与方法: 1、病例: 结节
1 引言rn毕业季于大学生是个特殊的时期,酷热的夏季本就容易使人烦躁,再加上毕业生面临就业、升学、情感等诸多方面的压力,更容易产生情绪波动.他们既繁忙又迷茫,既充实又空
1IntroductionIoniradiationasanewmutagenicsourcehasbeen,forrecentyears,appliedtothemutagenicbreedingofrice,coton,barley,ray,ma... 1IntroductionIoniradiationasanewmutagenicsourcehasbeen, forrecentyears, appliedtothemutagenicbreedingofrice, coton, barley, r
◆ 美国毕马威管理咨询公司全球高级副总裁黄辉透露,毕马威已经开始“北伐”,将在大连建立一家分支机构,这将是它继北京、上海、广州后在中国北方市场布下的一颗棋子。◆ 得