
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ryanme
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我国加入世贸组织以来,由于农药残留问题出口农产品被国外技术标准挡在国门之外的事件时有发生,在给我们造成了一定经济损失的同时,一定程度上也影响了我国的国际形象。当前,如何科学正确合理地使用农药并按照国外技术标准组织外向型农业生产已经成为一个迫在眉睫的问题。那么,面对国外技术标准,农药行业的生产、经营和使用人员应该做些什么呢?笔者以为,首先是正确认识这些技术标准,调整好心态,以积极的态度迎难而上。当前,面对国外的技术标准壁垒,社会上存在一种不正确的看法,就是认为外国人对中国农产品过于挑剔,甚至是对中国的歧视。其实,绝大部分国外的技术壁垒并不是建立在歧视的基础上的。北京一位教授最近曾经谈到这 Since China’s accession to the WTO, due to the issue of pesticide residues exports of agricultural products have been blocked outside the country by foreign technical standards have occurred from time to time, given us a certain economic loss, but also to some extent also affected our country’s international image. At present, how to use pesticides in a scientific and rational manner and organize export-oriented agricultural production in accordance with foreign technical standards has become an urgent issue. So, the face of foreign technical standards, pesticide industry, production, operation and use of personnel should do what? I believe that, first of all, a correct understanding of these technical standards, adjust the attitude, with a positive attitude to the challenge. At present, in the face of foreign technical barriers to standards, there is an incorrect view in the society that foreigners are overly picky about Chinese agricultural products and even discriminate against China. In fact, the vast majority of foreign technical barriers are not based on discrimination. A Beijing professor recently talked about this
旭东先生: 您好!昨日收到《农药市场信息》第18期,拜读大作“加强农药科普知识宣传,刻不容缓”一文后,深有同感,您说到了当前问题的关键所在,现在有的是说的多,做的少,踏 X
比利时公司UCB的农药分部已经改名为Taminco Crop Protec-tion。该分部是UCB的甲胺及其衍生物单位的一部分,现在作为UCB的全资分公司,名为Taminco。 2002年Taminco的销售额
8月,优派董事长兼总裁朱家良在北京提出“从第一到全面,优派决战客厅”口号,将旗下全线产品整合为“数字家庭”解决方案进入中国市场。这个策略,是朱家良在为其 LCD 销售额
根据英国市场研究公司Agricultural Information Services(AIS)最近研究,欧洲5个主要农业国的非作物农药市场正在稳步增长,目前总/步增长;目前总值为15.80亿欧元︵15加O亿美元
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