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EF—EL型自然吸气式和EF—JL型涡轮增压汽油喷射发动机主要特点:a.能保证驾驶员按自己的意愿实现轻松而强有力的加速;b.改善使用率高的市内运行工况下的燃油消耗,利用顶置凸轮轴实现每缸四气门结构;改善进排气系统设计;在自然吸气发动机上,将空气滤清器与脉冲室设计成一体,得到平缓的扭矩特性;在涡轮增压发动机上,采用了三分支进气歧管,使其结构形状有利于提高进气惯性和脉冲效应;并分别介绍了F6A型三缸四行程涡轮增压发动机、EN07型直列四缸置凸轮轴发动机、3G83型三缸发动机的主要结构参数、特性曲线及改进措施;找出国产微型汽车发动机的差距并分析其出现这种差距的原因。 EF-EL naturally aspirated and EF-JL-type turbocharged gasoline injection engine main features: a. To ensure that the driver to achieve their own wishes to achieve easy and powerful acceleration; b. To improve the utilization of the city operation Fuel consumption under operating conditions, the use of overhead camshaft to achieve four-valve structure per cylinder; improve intake and exhaust system design; naturally aspirated engine, the air filter and the pulse chamber is designed into one, get a smooth torque characteristics On the turbocharged engine, a three-branch intake manifold is adopted to make the structure of the turbocharged engine improve the intake inertia and pulse effect. The paper introduces the F6A three-cylinder four-stroke turbocharged engine, EN07 in-line four Cylinder camshaft engine, 3G83-type three-cylinder engine’s main structural parameters, characteristic curves and improvements; find the gap between domestic mini-car engine and analyze the causes of this gap.
强化质量管理 确保机动车减震器质量7102厂唐化新机动车减震器为7102厂支柱民品,在短短的几年中,采取抓两头,促中间的质量控制措施,我厂机动车减震器的质量稳步提高,工厂成为中国嘉陵、海
The algorithm is based on constructing a disjoin kg t set of the minimal paths in a network system.In this paper,cubic notation was used to describe the logic
石油工业标准化技术委员会 (以下简称油标委 )第三次年会于 2 0 0 2年 10月 16日在北京召开 ,会上油标委主任委员阎三忠在主题报告中表彰了今年工作完成得较为出色的 3个专标
Much attention has in recent years been paid to fine applications of polymer particles, e.g., carrier for enzyme, separation media for protein, DNA and cell, an
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