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在新媒体和信息技术的巨大冲击下,中职学校学生获取知识的渠道和方式呈现多元化趋势,教师所能传授的远远无法同网络上的知识量相比。学生也不再以记忆知识为主要学习目的,而要掌握获取和加工信息的能力,并发挥学生本身的创造性来创生出新的知识。传统的单纯传授式、填鸭式的教学模式已无法迎合当今社会对人材培养的要求,教学改革势在必行。课堂由于其特殊的属性,是教师的教与学生的学的主要场所,课堂质量是教学质 Under the tremendous impact of new media and information technology, the channels and ways for students in vocational schools to acquire knowledge show a tendency of diversification. Teachers can not teach much compared with the amount of knowledge on the Internet. Students no longer regard memory knowledge as the main purpose of learning. Instead, they should acquire the ability to acquire and process information and use the creativity of students to create new knowledge. The traditional purely impartial and spoon-fed teaching model has been unable to cater to the current requirements of the community for personnel training, teaching reform is imperative. Classroom because of its special attributes, is the main place for teachers to teach and students learn, and the quality of classroom is teaching
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摘 要:本文阐述专业设计软件的发展和普及对路桥专业毕业设计方式和教学带来的巨大影响,对目前高等学校运用专业软件辅助毕业设计存在的问题提出看法,并就如何提高毕业设计的质量提出对策,最终使学生通过毕业设计达到综合训练的目的。  关键词:专业设计软件 毕业设计问题及影响  中图分类号:G642.477文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-1875(2007)06-058-02    1、引言    公路与