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一从五六千年前的原始刻画符号,经三四千年前的殷商甲骨文,再经先秦大篆和秦小篆,直到汉代隶书定型化,这个过程是汉字由萌芽、发展、成熟、定型的历史。实际上,从我们的祖先创造了汉字开始,就拉开了华夏民族文明史的序幕。汉字作为一种传递信息的工具和手段得以流传,这是中华民族智慧的结晶。随着中国社会的发展,人类文明的进化,书写工具的不断改良,汉字字体的逐渐演变,人们在对汉字的书写过程中渗透了自己的思想感情,文字书写的作用超过了文字本身的功能。书法的审美意识可上朔至汉代,许许多多爱好者不管“乡邑不以此较能,朝廷不以此科吏,博士不以此 A primitive portrayal of symbols from five or six thousand years ago, the Shang Shang Oracle dating back three or four thousand years, and then by the Qin Seal and Qin Xiaozhuan, until the Han official script finalization, the process is the Chinese characters from the bud, development, maturity, stereotypes history. In fact, beginning with the creation of Chinese characters by our ancestors, it opened the prelude to the history of Chinese ethnic civilization. Chinese characters are transmitted as tools and means of transmitting information, which is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. With the development of Chinese society, the evolution of human civilization, the continuous improvement of writing tools, and the gradual evolution of Chinese fonts, people have infiltrated their thoughts and feelings during the writing of Chinese characters. The function of written writing has exceeded the function of written words. Aesthetic awareness of calligraphy can be from the new moon to the Han Dynasty, many fans regardless of ”township does not do this more, the court does not use this official, the doctor does not
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