All Set and Intelligent Bargaining Control Model

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As the rapid development of electronic commerce in our country in recent years it is becoming focus how to use electronic commerce to realize non-distant communication of E2C and E2E which is called the second generation of electronic commerce. This paper combines the All Set theory with Matter Element transform into bargaining theory to build All Set bargaining model. In this model, the bargaining conditions of both sides are viewed as Matter Element which is the basic cell of extension theory. By using All Set theory, shell theory, fuzzy control and extension theory, the process of Matter Element transform from original Matter Element to final Matter Element which can be satisfied by both sides in bargaining is discussed. There are four axioms are distracted based on the All Set bargaining model. At last we extend our bi-persons bargaining model to multi-persons bargaining model by using soft matching system, and make it possible for intelligent bargaining on the supporting of electronic commerce. As the rapid development of electronic commerce in our country in recent years it is becoming focus how to use electronic commerce to realize non-distant communication of E2C and E2E which is called the second generation of electronic commerce. This paper combines the All Set theory with Matter Element transform into bargaining theory to build All Set bargaining model. In this model, the bargaining conditions of both sides are viewed as Matter Element which is the basic cell of extension theory. By using All Set theory, shell theory, fuzzy control and extension theory, the process of Matter Element transform from original Matter Element to final Matter Element which can be satisfied by both sides in bargaining is discussed. There are four axioms are distracted based on the All Set bargaining model. At last we extend our bi- persons bargaining model to multi-persons bargaining model by using soft matching system, and make it possible for intelligent bargaining on the supporting of electr onic commerce.
摘要:长期以来,人们漠视经济应用文写作,无形中淡化了高校经济写作教学的分量。随着我国经济和社会的发展,经济应用文的写作已贯穿于社会经济活动的每一个环节之中。那么,如何突破传统,调整经济写作教学的理念,培养高校学生的经济写作能力,以适应社会对高校人才的新要求,就成为一个日显重要的论题。本文就经济写作教学中的教学理念作粗浅的探讨。  关键词:经济写作 基础理论 专业思想 教学 理念    随着我国经济
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