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  Recent solar flare may disrupt your GPS
  We’re nearing the peak of the 11-year solar cycle, so double-check your GPS and watch where you’re going. On Thursday, the sun unleashed a massive solar flare. Solar flares can disrupt radio communications, including devices that use Global Positioning System technology, such as cell phones, airplanes and car navigation systems.
  So if you’re relying on your GPS for driving directions, to find your location on your phone’s mapping tool or for any other purpose, have a backup navigation system handy, such as a printed map. Even more important, pay close attention to where you are and where you’re going. Don’t rely solely on your GPS to give you directions.
  In 2006, research from Cornell University proved that solar flares can cause GPS devices to lose signal. This can cause these devices to temporarily misrepresent your location or otherwise malfunction. “If you’re driving to the beach using your car’s navigation system, you’ll be OK. If you’re on a commercial airplane in zero visibility, weather, maybe not,” said Paul Kintner, head of Cornell’s GPS Laboratory.
  In addition, solar flares can disrupt power systems. This week, National Geographic reported: “Under the right conditions, solar storms can create extra electrical currents in Earth’s magnetosphere — the region around the planet controlled by our magnetic field. The electrical power grid is particularly vulnerable to these extra currents, which can infiltrate(渗透)high-voltage transmission lines, causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out.”
  This week’s flare (called a “coronal mass ejection”) registered M9.3 on the “Richter scale of flares,” about the highest level in the “medium” category. Larger flares that fall into the “X” category can cause global radio blackouts, but large M-class flares also can cause radio disruptions. This is one of a series of recent bouts of severe space weather, as the solar cycle approaches solar maximum in 2013. Other major flares came in February and June, and more may follow.
  1. Which is the least affected by solar flare?
  A. Communications of the internet.
  B. Airplanes navigation systems.
  C. Car navigation systems.
  D. Communications of cell phones.
  2. What can help you better if massive solar flare break out?
  A. The phone’s mapping tool.
  B. Global Positioning System.
  C. The map on car navigation systems.
  D. The printed map.
  3. The underlined word “malfunction” refers to.
  A. succeed to run properly
  B. fail to run properly
  C. get along well
  D. carry on smoothly
  4. According to fourth paragraph, what department should prepare for the bad effect of solar flares?
  A. The GPS producer.
  B. The car producer.
  C. The power company.
  D. The traveling company.
  5. How many times the major solar flare has broken out till the report was released?
  A. Only one
  B. Twice
  C. Three times
  D. Four times
  1. 细节推断题,根据第一段第二句可知:太阳耀斑能够干扰到无线电通讯,包括使用全球定位系统技术的设备,如手机、飞机和交通导航系统。故正确答案为A。
  2. 细节推断题,根据文章第二段第一句后半部分…have a backup navigation system handy, such as a printed map.可知:那就在手头准备一个备份导航系统吧,如打印地图,故正确答案为D。
  3. 猜测词义题,根据前文This can cause these devices to temporarily misrepresent your location可知这会导致这些设备暂时误报你的位置,故根据文章结构可知划线部分与misrepresent your location同义,由此可断定该单词意思为:失灵或发生故障,故正确答案为B。
  4. 综合推断题,第四段谈到,太阳耀斑会干扰电力系统。本周国家地理报道:“在合适的条件下,太阳风暴会引起地球磁层——地球周围受磁场控制的区域——产生额外电流。相对于这些电流而言,电网极其脆弱。这些电流混入高压传输线引起变压器过热且可能烧毁。”由此断定电力公司必须对此类问题做出反应。
  5. 综合推断题,根据文章结尾可知:这是最近一系列恶劣空间天气之一,因为太阳活动周期接近2013的太阳峰年。其他大的耀斑已经在2月和6月份出现过,由此可以断定截止本报道发布时,大的耀斑共出现过三次,故正确答案为C。
  Drinking six to eight cups of water called ‘nonsense’ in editorial
  Drinking six to eight glasses of water each day is healthful, most health experts agree. But apparently not everyone is on the same page. A general practitioner from Scotland says that health advice is “thoroughly debunked nonsense” and is propagated by bottled water companies out to make a profit. In a commentary published online in the British Medical Journal, Margaret McCartney quotes experts that say drinking too much water can cause hyponatremia (low sodium levels in the blood) and expose people to pollutants.
  Experts were quick to pounce on the commentary as being misleading. The article hadn’t been peer-reviewed, pointed out Thomas Sanders, a professor from King’s College London. Sanders wrote in a reply on the BMJ website: “Appropriate hydration is particularly important for the elderly and the very young and for most people it is better to obtain most fluid intake from water, whether bottled or tap water, than from other beverages.
  MacCartney focused on the more whacky claims made for water and appeared to cherry pick her references to make a story.” While the headlines duke it out, it’s worth offering a refresher — how much water do we need every day? The answer isn’t cut and dry, says an article by the Mayo Clinic, and depends on your exercise level, health conditions and the heat and humidity of your environment.
  In general, the Institute of Medicine recommends about nine cups of beverages for women and 13 cups for men. The Mayo Clinic offers another way to assess if you’re getting enough H2O: “If you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or slightly yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate.”
  The issue of too much water surfaces among athletes, especially marathon runners. Hyponatremia is a real concern when replacing the water lost during sweating—too much water, and the salt imbalance in the body can cause cells to swell with water, which is particularly dangerous for brain cells. Hyponatremia symptoms include confusion, nausea and convulsions, according to MedlinePlus. It can also occur in the elderly and hospitalized patients. Some 3.2 to 6.1 million patients get hyponatremia each year, and the condition is associated with congestive heart failure and cancer.
  1. The underlined word “propagate” in the first paragraph refers to .
  A. make widely known
  B. bring up the children
  C. carry from one place to another
  D. argue against
  2. Thomas Sanders considered it important for people to get fluid intake .
  A. from beer
  B. from beverages
  C. from fruit juice
  D. from water
  3. According to Mayo Clinic, the consumption of water relies least on _______.
  A. the heat and humidity
  B. health conditions
  C. exercise level
  D. the height of people
  4. According to Institute of Medicine, women should drink .
  A. the same amount water as men
  B. a little more water than men
  C. more than two-thirds of men’s amount
  D. only half men’s water amount
  5. It can be inferred that Hyponatremia symptoms usually occurred to .
  A. marathon runners, the elderly and doctors in hospital
  B. the elderly, patients in hospital and marathon runners
  C. dash runners, the elderly and patients in hospital
  D. marathon runners, the teenage and patients in hospital
  1. 猜测词义题,根据前文可知:每天喝六到八杯水是健康的,大多数健康专家都认同这一点。但很明显的是,这并不适合所有人。由此可知下文意思是:苏格兰的一位全科医师说这条健康建议“完全是胡说八道”,瓶装水公司对其进行大肆宣传以牟利。故划线部分的意思为宣传,正确答案为A。
  2. 细节理解题,根据文章第二段最后一句可知:适量的水合物对于上了年纪的人和年轻人来说特别重要,大多数人最好从水中——不管是瓶装水还是自来水——而不是其他饮料中获得大部分液体摄取,故正确答案为D。
  3. 细节理解题,根据文章第三段结尾可知:答案不是一刀切,这取决于你的锻炼水平、健康状况和你所处环境的湿热度。故正确答案为D。
  4. 细节推断题,根据第四段首句In general, the Institute of Medicine recommends about nine cups of beverages for women and 13 cups for men.可知:一般说来,医学研究所推荐女性每天喝9杯饮料,男性喝13杯饮料。由此断定正确答案为C。
  5. 综合推断题,最后一段谈到:运动员,尤其是马拉松运动员要喝更多水这个问题浮出水面。当出汗过程中替代水的流失——喝更多水时,低钠血症是一个真实的焦虑,身体内的盐平衡能导致细胞和水一起膨胀,这对于脑细胞来说尤其危险。根据MedlinePlus的信息,低钠血症的症状包括意识混乱、反胃和抽搐。它也会发生在上了年纪的人和住院病人身上。由此断定正确答案为B。
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