,Multiple ionization of argon accompanied by electron loss and capture of 0.22-6.35 MeV Cq+ ions

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woai12086
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In this paper a projectile ions-recoil ions coincidence technique is employed to investigate the target ionization and projectile charge state changing processes in the collision of 0.22-6.35 MeV Cq+ (q = 1-4) ions with argon atoms. The partial cross section ratios of the double, triple, quadruplicate ionization to the single ionization (or the single capture) of argon associated with single electron loss (or single electron capture) by the projectile are measured and compared with the previous experimental results. In the present experiment, it is observed that the ratios of ionization cross sections R associated with single loss and single capture depend strongly on the projectile charge state and vary significantly with different reaction channels as impact energy increases. In addition, this paper gets empirical scaling laws for the ionization cross section ratios R corresponding to the projectile single loss and finds that the ratios of the double ionization to the single ionization associated with single electron capture remain constant in the present energy range.
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