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一、概述 北京地铁现运营线路四十二公里,车站三十一座。日客运量百万人次以上,随着地铁建设的发展,解决好地铁的公共移动通信的引入问题,必将产生良好的社会效益,对发展国内的无障碍移动通信系统亦是一种有益的尝试。 本项目由于在国内率先把无线寻呼、移动通信引入地铁,解决了无线通信的盲区,从而开拓了无障碍公共移动通信这一新领域。 采用光纤传输技术与无线通信技术相结合的方法,在方案的选择上既考虑技术的先进性,又实用可行,还需适合今后多种发展要求。从节约投资,缩短工期等方面考虑,引入系统采用了与地铁现有专用无线通信系统相兼容方式,并对系统及设备的可靠性、产品以及质量系统内各设备的接口参数指标,以及地铁环境下的技术规范和标准做了全面考虑,并提出了设备升级技术开发计划。 I. Overview Beijing Metro now operates 42 kilometers of lines and 31 stations. With the daily passenger traffic of over 1 million passengers, with the development of subway construction, solving the problem of the introduction of public mobile communications in the MTRC will surely bring about good social benefits and is also a beneficial attempt to develop a domestic mobile wireless system with no barriers . Since this project took the lead in introducing radio paging and mobile communications into the subway in China, it solved the blind spot of wireless communications and opened up a new area for barrier-free public mobile communications. The combination of optical fiber transmission technology and wireless communication technology, both in the selection of programs to consider the advanced technology, but also practical and feasible, but also for a variety of future development requirements. From the aspects of saving investment and shortening the construction period, the introduction system adopts the compatible mode with the existing special wireless communication system of the subway, and analyzes the reliability of the system and equipment, the interface parameters of each product in the product and the quality system, Under the technical specifications and standards made a comprehensive consideration, and proposed equipment upgrade technology development plan.
虽说爱美之心人皆有之,但是一些非常减肥法实在不可取。现将近些年出现的令人恐怖的减肥方法一一进行列举,并请来专家进行评价。 Although the beauty of the heart of ever
误区五 小视豆制品的营养价值    在食谱安排上,不重视豆制品的营养价值,是许多家庭存在的一种错误观念。他们认为只有吃了鸡、鸭、鱼、肉才算是荤菜,也才能满足机体的蛋白质需求量,而事实并非如此,大豆制品中的蛋白质属于优质蛋白。其营养价值可以与肉类相类比,有的甚至超过动物类食品,如100克瘦猪肉含蛋白质20.3克,而100克香豆腐干蛋白质的含量可达16.8克,豆腐皮和腐竹可达42-44克,千张达25.