Noise Reduction Technique Applied to the Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang0525wz
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This paper shows the presence of noises and technique to reduce these noises during the surface wave analysis. The frequency-dependent properties of Rayleigh-type surface waves can be used for imaging and characterizing the shallow subsurface. Interference by coherent source-generated noise inhibits the reliability of shear-wave velocities determined through inversion of the phase velocities of Rayleigh waves. Among these interferences by non-planar, non-fundamental mode Rayleigh waves (noise) are body waves, scattered and non-source-generated surface waves, and highermode surface waves. For the reduction of noise, the filtering technique is implemented in this paper for the multichannel analysis of surface wave method (MASW). With the denoising technique during the MASW method, more robust and reliable outcome is achieved. The significance of this paper is to obtain pre-awareness about noises during surface wave analysis and take better outcomes with denoising performance in near surface soil investigations. This paper shows the presence of noises and technique to reduce these noises during the surface wave analysis. The frequency-dependent properties of Rayleigh-type surface waves can be used for imaging and characterizing the shallow subsurface. Interference by coherent source-generated noise inhibits the Reliability of shear-wave velocities determined through inversion of the phase velocities of Rayleigh waves. Among these interferences by non-planar, non-fundamental modes of non-planar mode Rayleigh waves (noise) are body waves, scattered and non-source-generated surface waves, and higher mode For the reduction of noise, the filtering technique is implemented in this paper for the multichannel analysis of surface wave method (MASW). With the denoising technique during the MASW method, more robust and reliable outcome is achieved. The significance of this paper is to obtain pre-awareness about noises during surface wave analysis and take better outcomes with denoising performance in near surf ace soil investigations.
中美小食蚁兽  中美小食蚁兽生活在从墨西哥南部到厄瓜多尔和秘鲁靠近太平洋的沿岸森林中。这种食蚁兽的口腔中没有牙齿,但拥有一条又长又黏的舌头。它们还拥有一条善于抓取物体的无毛的尾巴。中美小食蚁兽主要生活在有很多蚂蚁和其他昆虫的丛林中。  中美小食蚁兽是一种个头很小的生物,成年中美小食蚁兽可生长到约130厘米长(包括尾巴在内),它们的皮毛从灰白色到淡黄色,与光线暗淡的森林背景形成鲜明的对照。  大食蚁
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