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中国人民为了推翻封建专制制度,建立民主共和国,进行了近百年的斗争,终于在中国共产党的领导下建立了中华人民共和国.中华人民共和国是以工人阶级为领导的,以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的国家.她采取了中国共产党领导下的、与各民主党派合作的政治制度.实行这一种制度,中国共产党有一个认识和实践的过程,各民主党派亦有一个认识和接受的过程.一中国共产党主张的新民主主义的政治,“就是推翻外来的民族压迫,废止国内的封建主义和法西斯主义的压迫,并且主张在推翻和废止这些之后不是建立一个旧民主主义的政治制度,而是建立一个联合一切民主阶级的统一战线的政治制度”,“建立一个以全国绝大多数人民为基础而在工人阶级领导之下的统一战线的民主联盟的国家制度,我们把这样的国家制度称之为新民主主义的国家制度”.这是中国共产党的民主革命的一般政治纲领,它在整个民主革命时期是不变的.但是,在革命发展的各个历史阶段,由于革命形势和国内阶级关系的变化,中国共产党的具体的政治纲领是要变化的. In order to overthrow the feudal autocratic system and establish a democratic republic, the Chinese people conducted a nearly 100-year struggle and finally established the People's Republic of China under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, which is led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants Democratic dictatorship, she took the political system under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and cooperating with various democratic parties, and the Chinese Communist Party has a process of understanding and practicing it. All democratic parties also have a process of understanding and acceptance The new-democratic politics advocated by the Chinese Communist Party “is to overthrow the external ethnic oppression and abolish the domestic oppression of feudalism and fascism, and advocate that instead of establishing an old-democratic political system after the overthrow and abolition of these policies, Is the establishment of a political system that unites all the democratic classes in the united front. ”“ To establish a national system of a democratic coalition united under the leadership of the working class and based on the overwhelming majority of the people of the country, we call this system of states It is a new-democratic state system. ”This is a total of China The general political program of the party's democratic revolution, which is invariant throughout the period of the democratic revolution, has, however, under various historical stages of revolutionary development, the concrete political program of the Communist Party of China due to the changes in the revolutionary situation and the relations among the domestic classes. of.
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