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山西省人民委員会批轉輕工化学工业厅关于一九六六年太原、介休造紙厂所需造紙原料收购任务的报告晋办字175号 1966年9月5日现将轻化工业厅“关于一九六六年太原、介休造纸厂所需造纸原料收购任务的报告”转发给你们。为了适应当前印刷毛主席著作与报刊纸张的需要,收购造纸原料是一件很重要的工作,在进行这一工作当中,应当妥善地解决沤肥和收购高粱杆的矛盾,既要积极协助完成收购任务,又须很好地安排社、队积肥。对于出售高粱杆的社队,可以按比例奖售适当数量的氮肥(按千分之五计算),农民送交高粱杆准予免交养路费。具体收购办法及其他问題,請轻化工业厅与有关专员公署和市、县人民委员会具体研究确定。 Shanxi Provincial People’s Committee approved the Light Industry Chemical Industry Office on 1966 Taiyuan, Jiexiu paper mills required for the acquisition of papermaking tasks Report No. 175 17566 September 5 is now Light Industry Agency “In 1966, Taiyuan, paperback raw materials needed for the paper mill in Jiexiu, the acquisition of the report ” forwarded to you. In order to meet the current printing Chairman Mao’s work and the needs of newspapers and periodicals, the acquisition of raw materials for papermaking is an important task. In carrying out this work, we should properly solve the contradiction between fertilizer and sorghum, and actively assist in the acquisition of the task , But also to be well arranged clubs, team fertilizer. For the commune that sold the sorghum rod, the appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer could be rewarded on a pro rata basis (calculated at 0.5%) and the farmers sent the sorghum rod to grant exemption of maintenance fee. Specific acquisition methods and other issues, please light industrial department and the relevant commissioner’s office and city and county people’s committees to study and confirm.
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