活力教学 魅力龙源 山东省诸城市龙源学校

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山东省诸城市龙源学校以“胸怀天下造福社会”为办学核心理念,以“负责”为校训,以“活力教学”为特色,形成了一条具有“龙源特色”的发展之路。目前,已经实现学前、小学、初中、高中为一体的办学格局,下辖诸城市龙源学校、诸城市超然中学、龙源第一幼儿园。龙源学校的“活力教学”研究,缘于2009年春天开始的初中部“两导”、小学部“四一”教学模 Longyuan School of Zhucheng City, Shandong Province, with the core concept of “cherishing the world for the benefit of the community”, takes “Responsible ” as its motto and “vitality teaching ” as a feature, forming a “Longyuan characteristics ”The development of the road. At present, it has realized the pre-school, primary school, junior high school and high school as one of the school pattern, under the jurisdiction of Longyuan Zhucheng schools, Zhucheng transcendental high school, Longyuan first kindergarten. Longyuan school “vitality teaching ” research, due to the beginning of spring 2009 junior high school “two guide ”, primary “41 ” teaching model
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