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走进河北某预备役炮兵团荣誉室,那一个个奖杯、一块块奖牌、一面面锦旗,让人目不暇接,令人由衷赞叹,它们记录着该团近年来的创业历程和取得的骄人成绩。提及这些荣誉,该团官兵无不感叹说:“咱团有位擎旗人。”他就是沧州市委副书记、团第一政委——邓沛然。近年来,随着社会经济的发展变化,预备役工作面临一些新情况、新问题、新挑战。部分国有企业在调整改革中精简人员,定岗定位,符合编组预备役条件的人越来越少,“有编无兵”的问题日益突出;非公有制企业却异军突起,聚集了大量适龄青年和优秀人才,“有兵无编”的难题摆在眼前。 Into an honorary chamber of a reserve artillery Corps in Hebei, that one trophy, a piece of medals, one side of the banner, dizzying, it is heartfelt praise, they record the regiment in recent years, entrepreneurial history and made remarkable achievements. Mention these honors, the regiment officers and men lamented all said: “He is the regiment Bannerman. ” He is the deputy secretary of Cangzhou City, the first political commissar of the regiment - Deng Peiran. In recent years, as socio-economic development changes, reserve work faces some new conditions, new problems and new challenges. Some state-owned enterprises have made fewer and fewer personnel in line with the conditions for marshalling and reserving reserves in order to streamline their staffs and adjust their posts and positions. The problem of non-public ownership has become increasingly prominent. Non-public-owned enterprises have emerged as a major force, bringing together a large number of young people of outstanding age and excellent Talent, “Bing no code ” the problem before us.
2012年3月17日-3月25日,在17届法语活动节上 28 个法语国家将在多个中国城市尤其在北京推出上百场面向公众的活动,表现法语国家的丰富多彩。本次活动围绕下面三个主题 :电影,
一 聚焦词语,唤醒经验rn师:看到“滋味”这个词,你想到了什么?rn生:春天.rn师:为什么会想到春天?rn生:因为春天的滋味是美的.rn师:看到“滋味”这个词的时候,谁还有别的想法?
我院自2006年元月开始 LASEK 手术,观察其对中、高度近视的矫治效果,现报告如下。资料与方法一、一般资料:共40例(80眼),年龄19~36岁;男性12例,女性28例。术前近视度数-6.00~-
本文采用抛物型等效法研究指数型梯度折射率纤维的成像特性。这种方法计算比严格解析法方便,精度比锥形等效法高,且适用范围大。 In this paper, parabolic equivalent meth
Monte Carlo simulation was applied to investigate the kinetic behavior of AA*+CB2 system.The algorithm consisted of two procedures to simulate the in-situ synth