1604年12月 29日,在福建省泉州海外(北纬25.0°、东经119.5°)发生了我国东南沿海历史上最大的一次地震,震中烈度大于十度,震级八级,震源深度约30公里。虽然这次地震极震区位于海中,但是,泉州及邻近地区都遭到了严重破坏。这次地震还波及到浙江、江西、广东、广西、安徽、湖北等省、区。在距震中约1000公里的湖北钟祥和广西桂林,也受到这次地震的影响。根据历史资料绘出的八、七、六度等烈度线(十、九度等烈度线位于海中)长轴方向为北东向。用近震平面作图法求出了如表1的震源机制解。
On December 29, 1604, the largest earthquake in the history of the southeast coast of China took place in Quanzhou, Fujian Province (latitude 25.0 ° and longitude 119.5 °). The epicenter intensity was greater than ten degrees and the magnitude was eight with a focal depth of about 30 km. Although the epicenter was located in the sea, Quanzhou and its neighboring areas were severely damaged. The earthquake also spread to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Anhui, Hubei and other provinces and regions. Zhongxiang in Hubei and Guilin in Guangxi about 1,000 kilometers away from the epicenter were also affected by the earthquake. According to historical data drawn eight, seven, six degrees and other intensity lines (ten, nine degrees and other intensity lines located in the sea) the long axis of the direction of the north-east. The focal mechanism solutions in Table 1 are obtained by using the near-earthquake plane mapping method.