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戴子栋是兰州炼油化工总厂三联公司水暖维修工。他在下水管道维修这个极其平凡而且又脏又累的岗位上整整干了18个春秋。18年来,他从未休过一个完整的节假日。不论严寒酷署还是暴风骤雨,只要谁家的下水堵了、厕所漏了、阀门坏了或是暖气不热了,他总是急人所难,随叫随到,热情细致地维修,从不计较报酬和时间,从不怕脏、怕累,在平凡岗位上做出了不平凡的业绩。1984年10月的一个早上,戴子栋和往常一样巡察暖气井,突然听到了异常的流水声。为找出原因,他不厌其烦地打开一个又一个暖气井盖检查。当查到兰炼职工生活区15号楼2单元下水井时,发现积水很深,那声音正是从这口井内传出的。戴子栋全然不顾深秋的寒冷,立即钻进又小又窄、又脏又臭、一片漆黑的下水井内,靠手电微弱的光亮,站在齐腰深的粪便污水中,不停地用手掏啊拽啊,后来在班内其他同志的配合下,一直干到晚上10点多才疏通了下水井。当同志们把戴子栋拉出 Dai Zidong Lanzhou Refining & Chemical Plant triple joint plumbing maintenance workers. He did exactly 18 seasons in the extremely mundane and dirty and tiring job of sewer maintenance. For 18 years, he has never had a complete holiday. Regardless of cold or cool department or storm, as long as someone’s water blockage, the toilet leaks, the valve is broken or the heating is not hot, he is always in a hurry, on call, warm and meticulous maintenance, never care Remuneration and time, never afraid of dirty, afraid of tired, in extraordinary positions made extraordinary performance. One morning in October 1984, Dai Zidong patrolled the heating well as usual, and suddenly he heard unusual sound of running water. To find out why, he took the trouble to turn on one after another heating covers inspection. When found in Lan Lian workers Living Area Unit 2, Unit 2 wells, found that deep water, that voice is coming from within this well. Dai Zidong completely ignored the late autumn cold, immediately drilled small and narrow, grungy, a dark sewer, by the weak light flashlight, standing in the waist of manure sewage, keep digging hand pulled ah Ah, later, with the cooperation of other comrades in the same class, it was not until 10 o’clock at night that the well was dredged. When comrades pulled Dai Zidong out
钱:周朝有一种铲形的耕具叫钱,它的形状和汉字“大”差不多,古人经常把它作为交换的媒介物,后来金属货币又仿它制造,“钱”就成为货币的通称。 Money: There was a shovel-s
汉文帝刘恒是其一。他本庶出,轮不到他当皇帝,由于极其偶然的机会被权臣选中,成为汉天子。他在位23年,生活相当俭朴,衣食住行几乎跟当年他小心翼翼当代王时一样,没有锦衣玉食,不用豪车良马,人数不多的后宫还被他进行了精简,志愿回家的全给打发回去了。不仅如此,他还多次下诏,禁止臣属子民敬献奇珍异宝,甚至给自己修筑陵墓也很抠门,不允许使用高档的建筑材料  皇帝带了头,大家齐跟上。窦皇后失散多年的弟弟前来认亲
Lebwohl-Lasher model of nematogens and Flory-Huggins lattice model of polymers have been combined to describe the phase equilibria in mixtures of thermotropic s