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目的了解济南市发热伴血小板减少综合征的流行病学特征,为有针对性地制定科学的防控措施提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对济南市发热伴血小板减少综合征疫情数据和流行病学调查数据进行分析。结果 2011-2015年,济南市累计报告发热伴血小板减少综合征病例116例,死亡21例,年均发病率为0.33/10万,病死率为18.10%。发病集中在章丘市(54例)、历城区(25例)和长清区(16例)。5-9月发病106例,占91.38%。男女性别发病数比为1.32∶1;55~74岁年龄段发病88例,占75.86%;农民发病104例,占89.66%。发热为所有病例首发症状,大部分病例有食欲减退(99.12%)、乏力(85.84%)、全身酸痛(55.75%)和畏寒(51.33%)等非特异性症状。81.42%的病例居住在丘陵或山区,82.30%的病例有2周内户外活动史,67.26%的病例家中饲养动物,63.72%的病例自述居住地有蜱。死亡病例在皮肤出现瘀斑瘀点、呕血和第一次就诊在村卫生室3个问题上的发生率明显高于存活病例,差异有统计学意义。结论济南市发热伴血小板减少综合征发病呈现上升趋势,发病有明显季节性和人群特征,章丘市是我市发热伴血小板减少综合征防控工作的重点地区,应加强对居住在丘陵地区的农村人口的宣传。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in Ji’nan city and provide the basis for making scientific prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the epidemic data and epidemiological survey data of fever with thrombocytopenia in Jinan. Results From 2011 to 2015, a total of 116 cases of fever and thrombocytopenia syndrome were reported in Ji’nan city, with 21 deaths. The average annual incidence rate was 0.33 / 100,000 and the case fatality rate was 18.10%. The incidence was concentrated in Zhangqiu City (54 cases), Licheng District (25 cases) and Changqing District (16 cases). May-September incidence of 106 cases, accounting for 91.38%. Male and female sex ratio was 1.32: 1; 55 to 74 age group of 88 cases, accounting for 75.86%; 104 cases of peasants, accounting for 89.66%. Fever was the first symptom of all cases. Most cases had nonspecific symptoms such as loss of appetite (99.12%), fatigue (85.84%), body aches (55.75%) and chills (51.33%). 81.42% of cases lived in hills or mountains, 82.30% of cases had history of outdoor activities in 2 weeks, 67.26% of cases were domesticated animals, and 63.72% of cases had ticks living in their own right. The incidence of death in the case of petechia petechia, hematemesis and first visit in the village clinics were significantly higher than the incidence of three cases, the difference was statistically significant. Conclusions The incidence of fever with thrombocytopenia in Jinan shows an upward trend with obvious seasonal and population characteristics. Zhangqiu City is the key area of ​​fever prevention and control with thrombocytopenia in our city. Rural population propaganda.
目的:观察经尺动脉途径介入治疗冠心病术后半年平板运动试验对心功能的评估结果,比较经尺动脉途径和经桡动脉途径介入治疗的可行性. 方法:在 10例患者中应用经尺动脉途径成功