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社会的发展要求教育所培养的人才能适应社会发展需求。作为培养学生语文素养的高中语文课程,肩负的不仅仅是对学生听、说、读、写能力的培养,更需在此基础上提高学生的语文素养,促进学生的全面发展。新一轮的基础教育课程改革为高中语文课堂教学注入了新的生机和活力,因此,要改革高中语文课堂教学,正确理解并把握新课改理念,以理念为指导实施课堂教学改革才会更加有效。 The development of society requires that those trained by education can adapt to the needs of social development. As a high school Chinese course that cultivates students ’language literacy, they not only shoulder the training of students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also improve the students ’Chinese attainments and promote the students’ all-round development. The new round of elementary education curriculum reform has injected new vigor and vitality into Chinese teaching in senior high schools. Therefore, to reform the teaching of Chinese high school, correctly understand and grasp the new curriculum reform philosophy, effective.
英语中有许多常用词具有多种词性和意义。以 way 这一常用词为例,作为名词 way 作“道路”、“路途”、“方法”、“方面”解。除用作名词外,way 还可用作副词,意为“远远地
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培养小学生良好的行为习惯是小学德育的重要内容,学生的行为习惯要从小学抓起,班主任要重视学生行为习惯的养成,让学生养成良好的习惯,帮助学生学习和成长。 Good pupils to
小学阅读能力的培养,主要从以下几个方面进行:激发阅读兴趣,增强阅读能力;创造阅读机会,拓展阅读天地;教给阅读方法,指明阅读方向。 The training of primary reading abili
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