提出了一种新的宽角航空侦察CCD相机的设计方案.由光学转筒和反射镜旋转装置组成相机的基本结构,光学转筒被安装在与航向平行的位置上,反射镜被安装在光学转筒内与航向垂直的位置上.在航空侦察过程中,相机通过旋转光学转筒获取具有一定重叠率的局部图像序列,并分别由光学转筒和反射镜旋转装置补偿由滚动和俯仰姿态扰动产生的像移,提高单幅图像的质量.与传统的航空侦察相机相比,采用这种方案的相机具有体积小、视场宽、分辨率高和重叠率可调等优点,并且无需额外的姿态扰动像移补偿装置.最后,利用某次飞行测试中的三航道图像来验证方案的可行性.结果表明,该方案可以满足航空侦察大视场、高分辨的要求.“,”A new design scheme of super-wide-angle aerial reconnaissance CCD camera is described,which is composed of an optical drum and a reflecting mirror rotation mechanism. The optical drum is installed optically parallel to the aircraft velocity, and the reflecting mirror is positioned inside of the optical drum. Partial images are taken during the optical drum rotation, and image motion caused by the roll and the pitch attitude disturbance were compensated by the optical drum and the mirror rotation mechanism, respectively. Unlike the traditional CCD camera, this camera possesses characteristics of small body size, super-wide-angle and high resolution images with adjustable image overlap rates, and it does not require any other compensation mechanism. Finally, there-channel images taken during flight test are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed camera. The result shows that the scheme meets aerial reconnaissance with wide view field and high resoultion.