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沈阳国际展览公司是中国国家对外贸易经济合作部([1998]外经贸政审函字第1738号)授权,东北地区首家、沈阳地区唯一有权举办国外来华展览的专业展览公司。公司成立于1985年,也是东北地区成立最早的专门从事国际展览的闲兴专业公司。 公司的主要业务范围是:组织和承办国外来华展览和出国展览会。其中包括:产品展示、技术交流、经济贸易洽谈及展销会;提供经济技术贸易及合作信息、咨询等服务;协同有关部门进行展品留购,代办展品保险和税务;提供旅游等。 Shenyang International Exhibition Company is the only professional exhibition company authorized by China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ([1998] Foreign Economic and Trade Administration Trial Word No. 1738), the first in Northeast China and the sole authority in Shenyang to hold overseas exhibitions in China. Founded in 1985, is also the earliest established in the northeast specializing in international exhibitions Leisure Hing professional companies. The company’s main business scope is: to organize and host foreign exhibitions in China and overseas exhibitions. Including: product display, technology exchange, economic and trade negotiations and trade fairs; to provide economic and technical trade and cooperation information, consulting and other services; to cooperate with the relevant departments to carry out exhibits retained purchase, agent exhibits insurance and taxation; provide tourism.
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经皮雌激素-孕酮透皮贴片在美上市 该贴片的商品名为Combi Patch,已由美国FDA批准上市。它将被用于控制绝经期、女阴和阴道萎缩或与性腺功能减退、阉割或早期卵巢衰竭有关的
盛夏,著名的华裔物理学家、诺贝尔物理奖获得者杨振宁先生应邀参加在广东省汕头大学举行的“第一届国际华人物理学大会”。大会期间,我采访了他。 杨振宁于1922年9月出生于
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