中共湖南省委办公厅 湖南省人民政府办公厅转发省科委《关于加强科学技术保密工作意见的报告》的通知

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省科委《关于加强科学技术保密工作意见的报告》和《湖南省科学技术保密细则》已经省委、省人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真执行。科学技术保密工作,关系到国家的安全和经济利益。在实行对外开放政策的新形势下,更要重视科学技术保密工作。希望各级党委、政府遵照中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅今年八月转发国家科委《关于加强科学技术保密工作的报告》精神,按照省科委报告所提要求,进一步加强领导,督促各有关部门从思想上、组织上、制度上采取措施,切实把科学技术保密工作抓好。 Provincial Science and Technology Commission “on strengthening the confidentiality of scientific and technological work report” and “Hunan Province Science and Technology Confidentiality Rules” has been provincial Party committee, provincial people’s government agreed, are forwarded to you, please earnestly implement. The confidentiality of science and technology has a bearing on the security and economic interests of the country. Under the new situation of implementing the policy of opening to the outside world, more attention should be paid to the work of keeping secrets of science and technology. We hope that the party committees and governments at all levels will follow the spirit of the “Report on Strengthening the Confidentiality of Science and Technology” issued by the State Science and Technology Commission and the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council in August this year, and further strengthen their leadership and supervision in accordance with the requirements of the report of the provincial science and technology commission The departments concerned have taken measures ideologically, organizationally and systematically to earnestly grasp the secrecy work of science and technology.
木匠的疼痛  这把斧子,跟了他很多年  像一个形影不离的兄弟  斧柄换了多少个  斧头却一直用着  多少年了,和它有了感情  用着也顺手  用钝了,就磨一磨  它会比以前更锋利  这把斧子刚被磨过  现在,被高高举过头顶  可落下去之后  血就在另一只手上,流出来  这把斧子跟了他很多年  此时,像一个忽然翻脸的兄弟  夜半钟声  在异乡奔忙了一天  总算在一条船上安顿下来  姑苏果然是好地方  
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