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再发创建国家卫生城市动员令2012年7月30日,孝义市在创建国家卫生城市关键时期,再次召开创建国家卫生城市动员会议,总结创建国家卫生城市誓师大会以来的工作成效,安排部署近期的创国卫工作,动员全市各级、各部门、街办进一步强化认识,振奋精神,再接再厉,奋力攻坚,确保创建目标如期实现。市委书记张旭光亲自参会,要求各级各部门要高度重视,领导带头,明确责任,形成全民齐动的创卫热潮。会议由市委常委、政府副市长李殿生主持。市人大常委会副主任孟林生在会上总结了创建国家卫生城市誓师大会以来所取得的工作成效,并对近期的创国卫工作进行了详细安排部署。 Reissue of the National Health City Mobilization Order On July 30, 2012, Xiaoyi City held the national health city mobilization meeting again during the critical period of the establishment of the National Sanitary City to summarize the effectiveness of the National Sanitary City swearing assembly and arrange the deployment of the near future. The creation of the national defense work, mobilization of the city’s all levels, departments, offices to further strengthen understanding, inspire the spirit, make persistent efforts, struggling to overcome difficulties and ensure that the creation of goals to achieve on schedule. Zhang Xuguang, party secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, personally attended the meeting and asked various departments at all levels to attach great importance to it. Leaders should take the lead, define responsibilities, and create an upsurge in the creation of the whole nation. The meeting was chaired by Li Diansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor of the government. Meng Linsheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, summed up the achievements made since the establishment of the National Sanitary City Swearing Convention and made detailed arrangements for the recent creation of the National Health Service.
摘要:现阶段我国社会经济得到快速发展,财税体制同样得到创新变革,在行政事业单位中预算绩效管理备受关注,且预算绩效管理的作用推动了行政事业单位的有序发展。根据相关政策的指引,在相关发展趋势下积极做好行政事业单位预算绩效管理工作已经成为了一项重要的内容。在本篇文章中主要概述了预算绩效管理的内容,并从多个方面分析了行政事业单位预算绩效管理的应用。  关键词:行政事业单位;预算绩效管理;应用  中图分类号