
来源 :投资研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leoncici617
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一、投资主体与调节主体 1.投资主体经济学意义上的投资是指固定资产的形成和增殖过程,是为取得用于生产的资源进行的购买和创造活动,投资主体是指在投资形成过成中,以承担资金风险为代价,以获得未来收益为目的,预先垫付一定的货币或实物的自然人或法人。由此看出,(1) 投资行为是投资主体的活动,研究投资行为,首先要研究投资主体。(2) 决定投资主体行为方式的内在因 I. The main body of investment and the main body of adjustment 1. The investment in the sense of economics investment refers to the formation and proliferation of fixed assets is to obtain resources for production for the purchase and creation activities, As a natural or legal entity, a certain amount of currency or kind is pre-paid for the purpose of obtaining future profits at the expense of taking the risk of capital. From this we can see that (1) investment is the activity of the main investment, research investment behavior, we must first study the main investors. (2) The internal factors that determine the behavior of investors
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