2012年1月12日,第二届艺术登陆新加坡(Art Stage Singapore)如期拉开帷幕,在前艺术巴塞尔总监洛伦佐·鲁道夫(Lorenzo Rodolf)的带领下,来自18个国家的130多家画廊参加了此次艺博会。在此数月前,全球最大的艺术市场网站Artprice发布了新一轮(2010年7月底至2011年7月底)当代艺术成交情况以及全球艺术市场发展趋势的分析报告,报告宣称:过去一年最显著的变化无疑是艺术市场的地缘政治正从西方转向东方——这种说
On January 12, 2012, the 2nd Art Stage Singapore kicked off. With more than 130 artisans from 18 countries, led by Lorenzo Rodolf, the former Art Basel director, Gallery participated in this art fair. A few months ago, the world’s largest art market website, Artprice, released a new round of analysis of contemporary art deals (from the end of July 2010 to the end of July 2011) and the development trend of the global art market. The report states: In the past year, The notable change is undoubtedly that geopolitics in the art market is shifting from west to east - say so