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先秦的主要决策思想及方法先秦时期,尤其是春秋战国,是中国社会大动荡,大变革时期,各诸候国相互争霸,斗争此起彼伏,”为人主者莫不欲强而恶弱,欲安而恶危,欲荣而恶辱”。(《荀子·君道》)于是,采用正确的决策思想和方法来治理国家和赢得战争的胜利,已成为各国君主所面临的重要问题。加上百家争鸣的学术局面,其主要决策思想和方法已基木形成了自己的系统和特点。虽然它们产生在剥削社会初期,不可避免地带有历史的局限性,但是,它仍然对于现代决策思维学的发展具有相当重要的意义。 1、“先知必审征表”、“以疑决疑、决必不当。”任何科学决策的第一步,都是对决策对象以及与之相关的各种条件的了解,以获得各方面的资料 Pre-Qin’s main ideas and methods of decision-making Pre-Qin period, especially the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period, is China’s social turmoil, a period of great change, the hegemony of various countries competing with each other, the struggle one after another, “ Dangerous, want to honor and shame ”. (“Xunzi Jun Dao”) Thus, using the right decision-making ideas and methods to govern the country and win the war has become an important issue facing the monarchs of all countries. Together with the academic situation of a hundred schools of thought, the main ideas and methods for decision-making have formed their own systems and characteristics. Although they have inevitably been historically limited in the early stages of the exploitation of society, they are still of considerable importance to the development of modern decision-making thinking. 1, “Prophets must list”, “to doubt the doubt, it must be inappropriate.” The first step in any scientific decision-making, are the object of decision-making and the various conditions associated with understanding in order to obtain all aspects data
China's supreme authority passed the TortLiability Act and the Island Protection Act onDecember 26th,2009.* The Tort Liability Act,to be enacted onJuly 1st,201
企业的经营管理是一个有机的整体 ,管理始终是以经营为目的的行为 ,是人对于一定目标的实现而施加影响的行为过程。管理离不开一定的对象 ,通常认为 :人、财、物是企业管理的
航天在国家安全中的地位日益凸显,空间武器化的步伐正在加快,空间正成为世界各国争夺的焦点。在这种大势下,我们必须认真谋划发展战略,推进航天技术的发展。 The status of