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发展工业是增强县域经济实力、增加财政收入的必由之路,是扩大就业、改善人民生活的重要途径,是促进第一产业和第三产业发展、推进城市化进程的战略举措。伊通满族自治县是一个经济欠发达的农业县,工业基础比较薄弱,工业经济总量小,工业发展后劲不足。面对新的世纪、新的形势,如何发展伊通,振兴伊通,我们认为最重要是实现工业经济的跨越式发展。没有工业经济的率先跨越,就没有全县经济的跨越。在新的形势下,必须牢固树立工业立县、工业兴县的观念,强化工业意识,真正把工业发展作为一件刻不容缓的头等大事,千方百计扩大总量,盘活存量,优化结构,提高效益,促进全县工业经济持续、健康、快速发展。“十五”期间,全县工业年均增长速度要达到20%。“十五”末,第二产业增加值 The development of industry is the only way to strengthen the county’s economic strength and increase fiscal revenue. It is an important way to expand employment and improve people’s lives. It is a strategic measure to promote the development of the first and third industries and to promote the process of urbanization. The Yitong Manchu Autonomous County is an agricultural county with underdeveloped economy. The industrial base is relatively weak, the industrial economic aggregate is small, and the industrial development is not strong enough. Facing the new century and new situation, how to develop Yitong and revitalize Yitong, we believe that the most important thing is to realize the leap-forward development of the industrial economy. Without the leapfrogging of the industrial economy, there will be no leap in the county’s economy. Under the new situation, we must firmly establish the concept of industrial county and industrial county, strengthen industrial awareness, truly regard industrial development as a top priority, and do everything possible to expand the total volume, optimize stocks, optimize structure, improve efficiency, and promote The county’s industrial economy has sustained, healthy and rapid development. During the tenth five-year period, the average annual growth rate of the county’s industry should reach 20%. At the end of the tenth five-year period, the second industry added value
从2002年起,洋医院进入中国城市的规模将显著加大,大幅降价的进口药品已经瞄准了医院的处方,拥有全球采购渠道的洋药店更准备大举登陆…… Since 2002, the scale of foreig
各行政公署,各市、县人民政府,省政府各直属单位:现将《黑龙江省“十五”医药工业发展规划》印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。 Each administrative bureau, municipalities an