
来源 :中华男科学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hntkpop
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目的:观察尼古丁对成年雄性大鼠阴茎海绵体内源性一氧化碳(CO)浓度及一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性的影响,探讨吸烟对勃起功能损害的可能机制。方法:40只成年雄性Wistar大鼠分为4组,尼古丁注射1个月组、2个月组、3个月组和对照组,尼古丁注射组尼古丁0.5 mg/(kg.d)皮下分别注射1、2、3个月,对照组注射生理盐水。处理后,取阴茎海绵体,用改良双波长分光光度法检测CO浓度,改良Griess法检测NOS活性。结果:对照组CO浓度为(13.66±0.40)μmol/mg prot,NOS活性为(9.72±0.47)U/mg prot。尼古丁注射1个月,CO浓度和NOS活性分别下降为(12.43±0.56)μmol/mg prot和(8.44±0.69)U/mg prot,显著低于对照组(P均<0.01);尼古丁注射2个月,CO浓度和NOS活性分别下降为(11.41±0.52)μmol/mg prot和(7.53±0.24)U/mg prot,显著低于对照组和尼古丁注射1个月组(P<0.01);尼古丁注射3个月,海绵体CO浓度和NOS活性分别下降为(10.52±0.59)μmol/mg prot和(6.64±0.31)U/mg prot,均显著低于对照组和尼古丁注射1个月、2个月组(P均<0.01)。结论:尼古丁可导致成年雄性大鼠阴茎海绵体内源性CO浓度及NOS活性下降,提示内源性CO及NOS参与吸烟引起勃起功能障碍的病理生理过程。 Objective: To observe the effects of nicotine on the concentration of endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in corpus cavernosum of adult male rats and to explore the possible mechanism of smoking on erectile dysfunction. Methods: Forty adult male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: nicotine injection for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and control group. The nicotine nicotine 0.5 mg / (kg · d) , 2,3 months, the control group injected with saline. After treatment, the corpus cavernosum was taken, the CO concentration was detected by modified dual-wavelength spectrophotometry and the activity of NOS was detected by modified Griess method. Results: The concentration of CO in the control group was (13.66 ± 0.40) μmol / mg prot and the activity of NOS was (9.72 ± 0.47) U / mg prot. At 1 month after nicotine injection, the concentrations of CO and NOS decreased to (12.43 ± 0.56) μmol / mg prot and (8.44 ± 0.69) U / mg prot, respectively, which were significantly lower than those in the control group (11.41 ± 0.52) μmol / mg prot and (7.53 ± 0.24) U / mg prot were significantly lower than those in the control and nicotine groups for 1 month (P <0.01), nicotine injection At 3 months, the sponge CO concentration and NOS activity decreased to (10.52 ± 0.59) μmol / mg prot and (6.64 ± 0.31) U / mg prot, respectively, which were significantly lower than those of the control group and nicotine for 1 month and 2 months Group (all P <0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Nicotine can lead to the decrease of endogenous CO concentration and NOS activity in the corpus cavernosum of adult male rats, suggesting that endogenous CO and NOS participate in the pathophysiological process of erectile dysfunction caused by smoking.
吴世农 ,男 ,1 956年 1 2月出生 ,籍贯福建。 1 978年考入厦门大学 ,1 982年获厦门大学经济学学士。1 984年获加拿大国际开发署奖学金 ,1 986年获加拿大Dalhousie大学MBA。 1 990年初赴加
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利用液相组合化学方法合成了上百种新型 1,4 二 (二硫代烷基 )哌嗪类化合物并建立了A ,B ,C 3个化学库 .对每个化学库中的混合体系样品未经分离直接用FDMS技术进行了成功的分