
来源 :古籍整理研究学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:poshashajia
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整理与诠释我国古代典籍 ,可以选取不同的角度 ,可以采用不同的方法 ,其中 ,包括遍校众多版本 ,广集各家异说 ,考证辨析 ,得出明确结论的这一颇为“传统”的整理方法。运用这一方法 ,能够产生高质量的成果 ,但其工作周期较长 ,对于整理者的学识与能力要求较高 ,当前 ,运用这种方法的学者 (尤其是中青年学者 )并不很多。傅亚庶先生的《刘子校释》和方向东先生的《贾谊集汇校集解》,较好地发扬了自乾嘉学派以来整理古籍的优良传统 ,本刊组织了两篇书评予以推荐。需要指出的是 ,傅先生和方先生都是不到 5 0岁的中青年专家 ,他们的治学方法值得广大青年学者借鉴 To sort out and interpret ancient Chinese classics, we can choose different perspectives and adopt different methods. Among them, we have adopted many different versions, including extensive editions of various schools, extensive collection of different theories, differentiation of textual research, and definite conclusion of this rather “traditional” Sorting method. Using this method can produce high quality results, but its work cycle is long, and its requirements for knowledge and ability of finishers are high. At present, there are not many scholars (especially young scholars) who use this method. Mr.Fu Yashu’s “Liu Jixuan” and Mr.Cheng Xiangdong’s “Collection of Jiyi Collection and Collection” carried forward the fine tradition of sorting out ancient books since Qian Jia School, and we published two book reviews for recommendation. It should be pointed out that both Mr. Fu and Mr. Fang are young and middle-aged experts less than 50 years of age and their methods of learning deserve the help of a large number of young scholars
AIM To study the diagnostic accuracy of transient elastography(TE) for detecting clinically significant portal hypertension(CSPH) in Indian patients with cirrho
我校蒙古学研究院宝音德力根、乌云毕力格、齐木德道尔吉三位教授主编的蒙古史研究丛书《明清档案与蒙古史研究》第一辑已于 2 0 0 0年 9月由内蒙古人民出版社出版。 2 0 0 0
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue(MALT) lymphoma of the liver is a very rare condition and thus the diag-nosis may be challeng-ing-. The clinical presentation i
目的 探讨血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)-C、环氧化酶(COX)-2在乳腺癌组织中的相互表达关系及与淋巴管生成和预后的关系.方法 应用免疫组织化学法检测70例乳腺癌组织COX-2与VEGF-C蛋白的表达,并用淋巴管内皮细胞特异性抗体D2-40标记淋巴管,计数肿瘤淋巴管密度(LVD),结合临床病理特征和随访资料进行分析.结果 (1)乳腺癌组织COX-2、VEGF-C高表达率分别为65.7%(46/70
AIM To analyze the effects of premedication with Pronase for endoscopic ultrasound(EUS) examination of the stomach.METHODS This was a prospective, randomized an
从事学术研究首先应对解释问题有所思考。本文对于中国与西方的解释观念进行了粗线条的梳理与论述 ,着力显示西方现代解释学的精髓及其缺失 ,为研究 2 0世纪中西文化交融 ,中