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一、“后现代主义”及其设计观“后现代主义”(post-modernism)这个词含义非常复杂,从其字面理解“后”是对于“现代主义”而言,是现代主义的对立面,因此它具有向现代主义挑战、否认现代主义内涵的意义。同时在时间概念上,“后现代主义”又是“现代主义”结束后的一个历史阶段,具有时间上的延续性。二十世纪六十年代以来,随着科学技术的迅猛发展,西方社会进入了以知识经济为特征的后工业时代。这是个物质商品极大丰富,信息传媒无限充斥的时代,整个社会被商品所包围,甚至艺术、思想也蜕变为商品,所有的一切都被符号化;70年代西方发达国家在遭受到石油危机、通货膨胀等周期性经济危机的困扰后,整个社会在政治、文化、心理等方面的危机也随之产生,现代社会的剧烈震动打破了原有的时空感和整体意识,人们对工业文明所滋生的种种弊端开始反思,提出以“人本主义”为核心的非理性主义代替传统的理性观,反对工业社会中科学技术对人性的异化和奴役。“后现代主义”是对“现代主义”所倡导的理性、秩序、本质论特征的无情反叛和挑战,“后现代主义”思潮的兴起必将为艺术设计领域带来前所未有的新鲜风貌。 I. Postmodernism and its Design Concept The term post-modernism is very complicated. From its literal understanding, “post” is the antithesis of modernism to “modernism.” Therefore, It has the challenge of modernism and denies the meaning of modernism. At the same time, on the concept of time, “postmodernism” is a historical stage after the end of “modernism” and has the continuity in time. Since the 1960s, with the rapid development of science and technology, western society has entered a post-industrial era characterized by a knowledge-based economy. This is an era of rich material goods and infinite influx of information and media. The entire society is surrounded by commodities and even art and thought are transformed into commodities. All are symbolized. In the 1970s, the western developed countries were exposed to the oil crisis, After the cyclical economic crisis such as inflation and other troubles, the entire society has also brought about political, cultural and psychological crises. The violent vibration of modern society has broken the original sense of time and space and the overall awareness of people, Various kinds of malpractices began to be rethought, and the non-rationalism centered on “humanism” was proposed instead of the traditional rationality to oppose alienation and enslavement of human nature by science and technology in industrialized society. Postmodernism is a relentless rebellion and challenge to the characteristics of reason, order and essence advocated by “modernism.” The rise of “postmodernism” is bound to bring unprecedented freshness to the field of art and design.
【正】 去年11月12日至15日,“非洲统一组织”在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴召开第20届国家元首和政府首脑会议(简称“首脑会议”)。这届首脑会议是在非洲国家面临前所未有的