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该文以生育期相近的直立穗型品种沈农8801、 半弯曲穗型品种辽粳294和弯曲穗型品种辽盐282为试材,分别采用软盘育苗手插方式, 钵盘育苗抛秧方式和钵盘育苗摆秧方式,比较其产
Protein complexes are the basic units of macro-molecular organizations and help us to understand the cell’s mechanism. The development of the yeast two-hybrid,
本文对引进的旱作春小麦品种(系)的做小区试验,并对品种的产量进行比较,测定其生理指标,研究其抗旱特性,综合多项指标运用模糊综合评判法进行评价,筛选出适应新疆旱作区抗旱性强产量高的品种(系)。 研究结果表明,对小区产量作方差分析和多重比较,初步筛选出C16O和8275两个抗旱性强产量高的品种(系)。该品种具有生物产量大、穗粒数和穗粒重高等特点。其叶面积变化表现为峰值出现早、大小适中,后期...
Personalized microblog recommendations face challenges of user cold-start problems and the interest evolution of topics. In this paper, we propose a collaborati
In some networks nodes belong to predefined groups (e.g., authors belong to institutions). Common network cen-trality measures do not take this structure into a
Electrical pole-changing technology leads to torque ripple and speed fluctuation despite broadening the constant power speed range of the multiphase induction m
This paper presents a novel formulation for detecting objects with articulated rigid bodies from highresolution monitoring images, particularly engineering vehicles. There are many pixels in high-reso