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我县北蔡乡实业公司共有工贸企业15个,1985年末拥有固定资金915万元。自有流动资金236万元,实现利润1,050万元。1986年以来,注重抓好资金管理工作,资金利用效果有较大程度的提高,1986年全部资金利润率为30.71元,比上年上升了7.91元。他们的主要做法是: (一) 坚持计划管理,合理安排资金,统筹调剂余缺。年初公司要求各所属企业根据生产、采购、销售、基建投资等计划,按季分月编报财务收支计划,同时根据资金的供求情况。编好银行贷款计划,并把它列为厂长和财会人员的考核内容。各企业在每月五日前,召开资金分析平衡会议,把当月 My County North Caixiang Industrial Co. has a total of 15 industrial and trade enterprises. At the end of 1985, it had fixed funds of 9.15 million yuan. Its own liquidity was 2.36 million yuan and its profit was 10.5 million yuan. Since 1986, attention has been paid to the management of funds, and the effectiveness of fund utilization has been greatly improved. In 1986, the total capital profit rate was 30.71 yuan, an increase of 7.91 yuan over the previous year. Their main approach is: (1) Adhere to the plan management, rationally arrange the funds, and make overall adjustments to the deficiency. At the beginning of the year, the company required its affiliated companies to prepare financial income and expenditure plans according to the plans for production, procurement, sales, infrastructure investment, etc., according to quarterly monthly basis, and at the same time, according to the supply and demand of funds. Prepare a bank loan plan and list it as the assessment content of the factory manager and finance personnel. Each company held a fund analysis and balance meeting five days before
本刊讯2008年5月29日,逾百位专家出席了在拜耳材料科技上海聚合物科研开发中心(PRDC)举行的首届“复合材料”研讨会。拜耳全球聚氨酯系统业务 On May 29, 2008, more than 1
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雨“哗哗哗”地下个不停。一辆红色出租车划破街道上的积水驶进校园。车停稳后,只见司机从车上背下一个腿上缠着绷带的男同学。我定睛一看,啊!原来是天鹅出租 Rain “Wow W