
来源 :中国社会经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggf9988998
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“利用外资”,是孙中山经济思想的重要组成部分,也是他革命实践活动中的重要内容。这位民主革命的伟大先行者,为使沦入半封建半殖民地的贫弱中国登上独立富强之域,把大兴实业作为政治变革的重要补充和发展,殚精竭虑绘制了宏伟的实业建设蓝图,而把引进外资作为实现建设蓝图的主要手段。尽管当时中国尚不具备利用外资进行大规模经济建设的客观条件,孙中山绘制的蓝图不可能实现。但是,孙中山是中国近代史上,“利用外资”思想的集大成者。因此,剖折孙中山的“利用外资”思想,总结其经验教训,是有深刻的借鉴意义的。 “Utilizing foreign investment” is an important part of Sun Yat-sen’s economic thinking and an important part of his revolutionary practice. The great pioneer of the democratic revolution, in order to enable impoverished and weak China, which has become semi-feudal and semi-colonial, to ascend to an independent, prosperous and powerful realm, took Daxing Industrial as an important supplement and development of political change and worked hard to draw a grand blueprint for industrial construction while introducing foreign investment As the main means to achieve the blueprint for building. Although at that time China still did not have the objective conditions for using foreign capital for large-scale economic construction, the blueprint drawn by Sun Yat-sen could not be realized. However, Sun Yat-sen is a master of the thought of “utilizing foreign investment” in modern Chinese history. Therefore, it is of profound reference significance to dissect Sun Yat-sen’s thought of “utilizing foreign investment” and to summing up his experiences and lessons.
我们构造出一种新的类笼形C32异构体, 不包含五边形和六边形结构,具有D2h对称性.采用密度泛函理论DFT的rb3lyp方法在6-31G(d)基组水平上进行了相关计算 .计算结果表明它是一
【正】 明清时期,江右商作为一支不可忽视的力量在中国商界占居重要地位。他们凭着目己坚韧不拔的毅力,顽强的渗透力和吃苦耐劳精神,遍走于通都大邑和穷山恶水之间,为明清商
一、如何界定我国电子医疗仪器是否处于废旧状态 估计医疗仪器、设备耐用寿命的方法:一般有物理耐用寿命和经济耐用寿命两种[1]。物理耐用寿命是从其物质形态上看的使用期限,
In this paper, the general calculation formulas of radial matrix elements for relativistic n-dimensional hydrogen atom of spin S=0 are obtained, and the recurre
摘 要:当前农村小学美术教育在发展过程中存在许多问题。鉴于当前农村的条件、文化背景与教育改革的发展趋势,本文对当前小学美术教育进行了重新定位,并提出新的策略作为参考,希望对相关教育者有所帮助。  关键词:农村小学;美术教育;审美能力;资源优势      一、农村小学美术教育存在的问题及原因分析  1.主观方面的认知欠缺  (1)美术教育的正常开展因应试教育的阻碍而困难重重。在应试教育的体制之下,各
【正】 十八世纪的湖南,是当时清帝国主要的粮食产地和稻米输出中心,故有“湖南熟,天下足”之说。但湖南粮食的输出又极大地关联着省内外的粮食供求。那么清政府是怎样利用调