埃尔米特 屡考屡败的数学大师

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他是十九世纪伟大的数学家,但是他大学入学考试重考了五次,每次失败的原因都是数学考不好。他大学读到几乎毕不了业,每次考不好都是因为数学成绩不佳。他大学毕业后考不上任何研究所,还是因为考不好数学。数学是他一生的至爱,但是数学考试是他一生的梦魇。不过这无法改变他的伟大:共轭矩阵是他先提出来的;五次方程式的通解是他先解出来的;自然对数的超越数性质,是他第一个证明出来的。他就是法国数学家埃尔米特,他的一生证明了一个不会考试的人,仍然能有机会胜出。怎么会这样呢?也许你能在本文中找到答案。 He was a great mathematician of the XIXth century, but his university entrance exam was re-examined five times, each time due to failure of mathematics. His university read almost can not afford to get the job, each test is not good because of poor math results. After he graduated from college did not attend any research institute, or because the test is not good at mathematics. Math is his favorite life, but the math test is the nightmare of his life. However, this can not change his greatness: the conjugate matrix was first proposed by him; the general solution of the fifth equation was his solution; the transcendental nature of the natural logarithm was the first one that he proved. He is the French mathematician Hermit, who for the rest of his life has proved that a person who does not test will still have a chance to win. How could this be? Perhaps you can find the answer in this article.
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