An Easy Way to Improve the Study Interactivity of Engineering Courses in College

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  The science and engineering theory courses in universities account for a large proportion and are of great importance. Many basic courses in science and engineering are purely theoretical, boring, difficult for students to learn, and difficult for teachers to teach. The foundation course of science and engineering is very logical. Each course involves a large number of concepts, definitions and formulas. No matter whether it is judged or reasoned, it must follow the corresponding principles and require high abstract thinking. Moreover, the science and engineering curriculum is systematic and highly correlated, often with the basic knowledge in front and the application of basic knowledge. If the learning of the previous part is not solid, it will be difficult to follow up later. Under such circumstances, the theoretical science and engineering curriculum requires students to maintain a high concentration of attention in the classroom. The lack of a link will have a chain reaction to the later learning. In such a classroom, if the teacher blindly adopts the past teaching mode of “teacher speaking, student listening”, it is easy to cause students to shift their attention in the boring and difficult learning. Disjointed, which in turn caused difficulties in the application of relevant knowledge, and even caused students to give up the learning of the remaining courses. Therefore, ensuring the mastery of each key point of knowledge is an important means and necessary link to ensure the effective implementation of the curriculum and the efficient absorption of students.
  What kind of method is used to collect feedback on the key points of knowledge is a problem that teachers need to seriously consider in actual operation. The traditional classroom test method involves the process of distributing, grading, and collecting. It takes a long time to collect and process the feedback. It is often impossible to know whether students have grasped the knowledge points. In the process of Knowledge Point Teaching > Classroom Test > Test Explanation in the Next Lesson, feedback and processing are out of touch, teachers cannot grasp the mastery of the key points in time, and cannot accurately judge the course and adjust the rhythm of the course.
  Classroom questioning is also a commonly used method of on-site inspection, but it is often limited by time constraints. It can only ask one or two individual students, and it also makes the teacher's acceptance of the students incomplete, and it is easy to make mistakes. Moreover, frequent questions often increase the mental burden of students, so that students cannot pay full attention, and students who have difficulty understanding can be frustrated after answering mistakes in the classroom or in the blackboard.   New technologies such as the Internet provide a better solution for the timely collection and processing of student feedback. For example, the “Rain Classroom” developed by Tsinghua University is an excellent classroom teaching assistant program. I use this method to quickly collect and process a number of key knowledge points in the university's "Engineering Thermodynamics" course, and judge the trend and progress of the follow-up courses on the spot, and obtain obvious results. The process is described as follows: Teachers can use the ppt software to write questions for multiple knowledge points before class, which can be judgment questions, multiple choice questions and multiple choice questions. The test questions are scheduled to be released to the rain classroom platform based on WeChat at the appropriate time before class. After the class starts, when a key knowledge point is taught, the teacher can ask the students to answer questions about a certain concept point in the rain classroom platform of their mobile phones. After the students answer, the teacher can always grasp the correct rate of the student's answer, when correct. When the rate is above 80%, it is considered that the mastery of this key point has basically reached the requirements, and the next stage of learning can be carried out. Conversely, when the correct rate is less than 70%, the knowledge points that the other party needs to teach from another angle are needed. Carry out further elaboration and consider the reasons for the students' lack of mastery. From the time the student answers to the collection of results, the entire process takes only 2 or 3 minutes.
摘要:2017年《民事诉讼法》修改,明确规定检察机关提起民事公益诉讼之前,应当前置相关督促或支持起诉程序,极大地提高了纠纷解决效率,在公益诉讼制度架构中有独特的价值和意义。但从诉前程序实施效果来看并不理想,社会组织参与程度并不高。诉前程序的法理基础和功能阐释尚需进一步厘清,其具体程序规则设计需进一步完善。  关键词:检察机关;民事公益诉讼;诉前程序  2017年6月27日,全国人大常委会通过了《关
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摘要:以湖南文理学院为例探讨了当前高校图书馆外文文献利用率低的现状及其原因,并提出了相关的对策。  关键词:外文文献;利用率;对策  外文文献资源是高校图书馆馆藏资源的一个重要组成部分,它能够快捷地反映科技发展的动态、水平和成果,是学术、科研必不可少的参考资料。它的优劣直接影响学校的办学方向和科研质量,其利用率是衡量高校教学科研水平和对外开放程度的重要指标。  一、外文文献的利用现状  有数据表明
摘要:机械工程的发展是以微屯子技术、软件技术、计算机技术以及通信技术为核心而引发的数字化、网络化、综合化、个性化信息技术革命,不仅能深刻地影响着全球的军事、社会、经济和科技的发展,而且也深刻影响着机械自动化的发展趋势。本文指出光机电化、智能化和全球信息化是机械工程自动化的发展方向,精密机械、工具机技术、半导体制程设备技术是机械工程自动化的进步的途径。  关键词:机械工程自动化  随着经济的高速发展
摘要:语法是研究词形变化和句子结构的科学,代表着某种语言的内在规律。它是提高语言质量的核心因素。传统的高校英语语法教学依然具有缺陷,本文以此为基础讲述了高校英语语法教学的困境以及出路,为高校英语教师提高教学质量提供借鉴。  关键词:高校英语;语法教学;困境  1 高校英语语法教学之路  我国传统的大学英语教学手段过于单一,其典型特征是把语言学习视为语法规则的学习,主要将语法内容涵盖在相关阅读以及作
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