以学生发展为根本 科学设计信息技术的三维目标

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新课程理念倡导课堂教学要实现“知识与能力”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度与价值观”三维目标的整合。人本主义学习理论认为教学的最终目标是实现学生的个性发展,使其成为有主见、适应性强,具有鲜明个性的人。这一观点,正与新课改提出的关注学生发展的理念相一致,它对制定教学目标也具有指导意义。因此,制定信息技术教学目标,应该以学生发展为主要考虑因素,分析学生已有的学习状态和心理状态,然后制定一个详尽而具有针对性的教学目标。教学目标应该对不同的学生有不同的要求,符合学生的实际发展情况,而不是让学生硬性地去完成不适当的目标。在确定教学目标时,教师要兼顾学生的不同层次的需求。学生的学习需求是有差异的,对不同的学生,教学目标的测重点是不同的,既要满足学生偏爱的目标需求,又要引导、激发学生的需求,促使学生全面发展。 The concept of the new curriculum advocates classroom teaching to achieve the integration of the three-dimensional goals of “knowledge and ability”, “process and method”, “emotional attitude and values”. Humanistic theory of learning that the ultimate goal of teaching is to achieve the personality development of students, making it a dominant, adaptable and distinctive personality. This view is in line with the concept of focusing on the development of students proposed by the new curriculum reform. It is also instructive for the formulation of teaching objectives. Therefore, the development of information technology teaching objectives should be based on student development as the main factor to analyze the existing state of study and psychological status of students, and then develop a detailed and targeted teaching objectives. Teaching objectives should be different for different students have different requirements, in line with the actual development of students, rather than let students rigidly to accomplish inappropriate goals. In determining the teaching objectives, teachers should take into account the needs of students at different levels. The learning needs of students are different. For different students, the measurement of teaching objectives is different. It not only meets the target needs of students’ preference, but also guides and stimulates the students’ needs and promotes the students’ all-round development.
独生子女家庭经济相对宽裕,有可能为孩子提供较好的生活、学习条件。但孩子在家庭中地位独一无二,若教育不得法,容易出现一些心理偏异。其具体表现为: 1.父母和祖辈的溺爱娇
许多年轻的家长对 孩子提出的种种“为什么” 显得颇不耐烦,或草率回答,或粗 暴拒绝,殊不知这样会扼杀孩子的求知欲望,甚至会影响到孩子的身心健康。 大自然的一切,像月亮的
孩子过生日,父母为他们准备了丰厚的礼 物,可孩子内心却不快乐,到底是什么原因呢?从 本文中会找到答案。 六(3)班中队长小榕家可真谓有财有势,爸爸生意做得红红火火,妈妈在镇委担任要