Leveling the Playing Field

来源 :CHINA TODAY | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fxlilac
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  Since adopting the policy of reformand opening-up and in order to attractforeign investment, promote domesticemployment and introduce advancedtechnologies and management expertise,the Chinese government conducted aseries of reforms on the system of cor-porate taxation, giving various forms ofpreferential treatment to foreign-fundedenterprises.
ZHOU Wenzhong took up the post of China’s ambassador to the United States in 2005 and soonafter that preparatory work began for the launchof the China-U. S. Strategic Economic Dialogue.During his five
WHO says Internet bloggingis the domain of indepen-dent free-wheelers? Thepolice authority of XiamenCity in coastal Fujian Province put awanted poster on its micro-blog askingfor public assistance to
CHINA'S grain production ac-counts for a fourth of theworld's total output,and itsDoulation for a fifth," saidChen Xiwen,deputy head of the CentralRural Work Leading Group,when dis-cussing how China s
ON April 5,201,the traditional Tomb SweepingDay,Liu Gangjun visited the tomb of his son forthe first time since the Wenchuan earthquake.The boy was killed in the 2oo8 disaster. "I amhere to tell my bo
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IN this village everyone over 60gets an old-age pension and farm-ing is no longer the only way ofmaking a living.People use ATMsmart cards to draw out their wages,year-end bonus or stock market divi-d
WHIEN we first met in Gangou Village ofGaochuan Township,Lin Xingcong hadjust returned from his hillside farmingplot.Seeing he had worked up a sweatand was still in his dusty elothes,his wife Li Yunxi
MENCIUS (Mengzi,372-289B.C.) is regarded as the "Sec-ond Sage" because of his,significant role in promot-ing the thinking of Confucius.He wasborn in the state of Zou,in what is nowZoucheng City of Sha
REACHING for descriptions ofTibet,the word "mystery" rollsoff many people's tongues.However Harvard TibetologistLeonard W.J.Van der Kuijp refused touse this word,believing as he does thatTibet is in a
CHEN Xudong isin the thirdmonth of his cleaning job at aMcDonald's in northern Beijing.The 19-year-old busses tables,clearing leftovers into waste bins in thecorner,on the go all the time.His aptnessm