A Climatic Sequence Stratigraphic Model in the Terrestrial Lacustrine Basin:A Case Study of Green Ri

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charse
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In recent years,with the development of terrestrial sequence stratigraphy,more attention has been focused on the study of the terrestrial lacustrine sequence stratigraphic model globally. Different viewpoints are preferred by researchers.Under the guidance of the theory of sequence stratigraphy,the findings of this paper indicate that climate is a major factor controlling the formation of the fourth-order sequence,based upon the study of the sequence stratigraphy in the Green River Formation of the Uinta basin in the USA.It also divides the fourth-order sequence in the terrestrial lacustrine basin into two system tracts:the wet (rising) half-cycle and the dry (falling) half- cycle,establishing a new-style fourth-order sequence stratigraphic model for the terrestrial lacustrine basin,that is,the climate-genetic sequence stratigraphic model.As a result,the theory of sequence stratigraphy is greatly enriched. In recent years, with the development of terrestrial sequence stratigraphy, more attention has been focused on the study of the study of the terrestrial lacustrine sequence stratigraphic model globally. Different viewpoints are preferred by researchers. Undertake the guidance of the theory of sequence stratigraphy, the findings of this paper indicate that climate is a major factor controlling the formation of the fourth-order sequence, based upon the study of the sequence stratigraphy in the Green River Formation of the Uinta basin in the USA. Still also divides the fourth-order sequence in the terrestrial lacustrine basin into two system tracts: the wet (rising) half-cycle and the dry (falling) half-cycle, establishing a new-style fourth-order sequence stratigraphic model for the terrestrial lacustrine basin, that is, the climate-genetic sequence stratigraphic model. As a result, the theory of sequence stratigraphy is greatly enriched.
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