High quality large single crystals of metal halide perovskites for optoelectronic applications

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinwang01
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As the technological development of large single-crystalline wafers have revolutionized many industries including electronics and photovoltaics,one can predict that the availability of large single-crystalline perovskite crystals and wafers can revolutionize its broad applications in photodetectors,solar cells,LEDs,lasers,etc.In 2015,Liu et al.[1]at Shaanxi Normal University developed a reactive inverse-temperature crystallization(RITC)method and harvested high quality MAPbI_3 single As the technological development of large single-crystalline wafers have revolutionized many industries including electronics and photovoltaics, one can predict that the availability of large single-crystalline perovskite crystals and wafers can revolutionize its broad applications in photodetectors, solar cells, LEDs, lasers, etc. . In 2015, Liu et al. [1] at Shaanxi Normal University developed a reactive inverse-temperature crystallization (RITC) method and harvested high quality MAPbI_3 single
180万年前,中国大陆曾广泛发育冰川活动,而在海南省琼北地区则是频繁的岩浆活动,多期多次烘烤着新老地层。在一系列烤烘过的地层中,澄迈县永发一带出露的剖面最为 1.8 mill
目的 探讨钩端螺旋体病的流行因素与防治策略。 方法 用公认的方法进行鼠情调查和对病人、动物进行病原学、血清学研究。 结果  15年中湖南全省年均发病率为 9.86 /10万
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