积极缴纳税金 支援国家建设

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“按章纳税,合法经营”既是企业生存发展的首要条件,又是企业和我们每个公民应尽的义务。税金是国家建设资金的主要来源之一。只有将应征税款及时足额的上交入库,国家建设的宏伟目标一个个如期实现,才能为企业创造更加宽松的外部环境,才能为我们公民创造更加美好的生活。我们国家是一个发展中国家,需要大量的建设资金。显而易见,这些来自方方面面、由点点滴滴税金汇成的强大资金流是国家建设的血液和动力源泉。无论是一个法人还是一个自然人,他不仅是一个纳税人,而且也是一个税金使用者、受益者。祖国日新月异的变化,人民生活水平的逐步提高,社会物质文明和精神文明不断进步,无不证明了这一点。所以,纳税意识的强与弱不仅是每个企业和公民综合素质的体现,而且是爱国主义、集体主义的体现。国家兴办企业,扶持各行各业发展的主要目的除了强国富民外,增加税收也是一个目的。试想,我们每个企业和个人都以其所谓的理由抗拒或偷税漏税,那么庞大的国家各项建设资 “Paying taxes according to chapters and operating legally” is not only the primary condition for the survival and development of enterprises, but also the obligation of the company and each of our citizens. Taxes are one of the main sources of state construction funds. Only when the taxable amount is handed over to the database in time and in full, the grand goals of national construction will be realized one by one in order to create a more relaxed external environment for the enterprise and create a better life for our citizens. Our country is a developing country and needs a lot of construction funds. Obviously, these powerful capital flows, which come from all aspects and from the bit by bit, are the source of blood and power for national construction. Whether it is a legal person or a natural person, he is not only a taxpayer, but also a tax user and beneficiary. The ever-changing changes in the motherland, the gradual improvement of the people’s living standards, and the continuous progress of social material civilization and spiritual civilization have all proved this point. Therefore, the strength and weakness of taxation awareness is not only a manifestation of the comprehensive quality of every enterprise and citizen, but also a manifestation of patriotism and collectivism. The main purpose of the country’s establishment of enterprises to support the development of all walks of life is to increase taxation, in addition to strengthening the country and the people. Imagine that each of our companies and individuals has resisted or evaded tax and tax evasion on the basis of its alleged reasons, and that the country’s various construction resources are huge.
摘 要 由于大部分地方性司法规定并不享有合法的身份,无法要求其符合法定的制定与公开程序,并纳入监督渠道,因此不可避免会出现了诸如问题,如制定主体与程序混乱、与上位法冲突、破坏司法统一等。导致以上问题的制度根源在于我国统一的中央立法权无法满足地方的司法需求。  关键词 地方性司法规定 公开程序 司法统一  作者简介:李年富,东莞市第二人民法院刑庭;何蔚,广州市番禺区人民检察院。  中图分类号:D92
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