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1983年7月,淮阴全区普降暴雨,暴雨中心最大三日雨量达397.7毫米,为1915年有记载以来的罕见暴雨。当年,全市粮食总产量达到529.5万吨,为全国两个粮食超50亿公斤的地区之一。大水年不成灾,其主要原因是实现了平原坡地梯级河网化。淮阴平原坡地梯级河网化开始于1957年。当时,淮阴在初步治理了淮沂沭泗洪水之后,旱涝灾害仍未得到有效控制。水利战线广大干群通过长期治水实践,总结出了根据地形高低,逐级分片拦蓄控制,合理调度,以解决灌排的规划原则,将全区按不同高程划分为12个梯级,同一梯级内的不同水系,用调度河予以联结,既分又合,高低分开,妥善解决了滚坡水危害问题,且有利于降渍排碱。梯级河网化不仅具有一般平原河网化引、排、灌、降的作用,也为发展水陆交通、水能利用、林网建设、水面养殖等综合利用创造了条件。至“六 July 1983, Huaiyin heavy rains throughout the region, the largest three-day rainfall center rainfall of 397.7 mm, for the record since 1915 rare rains. In the same year, the city’s total grain output reached 5.295 million tons, one of the two super-5 billion-kilogram areas in the country. The main reason for the great flood year is that it has realized the step river network of the plain slope. Huaiyin Plain slope river network began in 1957. At that time, after the initial control of the Huaiyin flood in Huaiyin, the droughts and floods have not yet been effectively controlled. Through long-term flood control practice, the majority of cadres in the water front summed up the principle of planning and control of irrigation and drainage according to the level of the terrain, grading control and reasonable scheduling so as to divide the region into 12 steps according to different elevation and within the same step Of the different water system, with the scheduling of river to be linked, both points and together, separated from high and low, properly solve the problem of roll water hazards, and is conducive to the reduction of emissions of alkali. Cascade river network not only has the role of general plain river network, drainage, irrigation and drainage, but also for the development of water and land transportation, water energy utilization, forest network construction, surface aquaculture and other comprehensive utilization of the conditions. To ”six
本文根据学生的实际情况,探索从知识、技能及心理因素等方面培养学生英语口语的有效策略和方法。 Based on the actual situation of students, this article explores the
1953年 7月 ,在早云山须泽流域 (流域面积1 4 3km2 ,沟道长约 2 4km)发生了因大规模滑坡性崩塌而引发的泥石流。这些泥石流使得土砂堆积量大约有 80万m3,埋没了堰堤 17座 ,山林 7
Low magnetic susceptibility, low Sr content and hence high Rb/Sr ratio in the lake sediment sequence indicate a weak chemical weathering process under arid and