
来源 :教学与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suqingcsj
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教学设计是课前预设的教学蓝图,是实施课堂教学的主要脚本。在创建教学设计中彰显个性特色,就是要求我们教师将自己对课标、教材、教参的独到认识,对教学重点难点的准确解析,对教学方法的最优选择,对教学活动的精当安排,对教学过程的合理调控详详细细地备录在案,彰显出与众不同、别具一格的个性特色,使人一看就知道这份教案是出自谁手,是谁编写的。在创建教学设计中彰显个性特色,是我们教师展示教学智慧、凸显教学风格、释放教学情感、表达教学思想的集中体现,是上出富有个性特色的思想政治课的可靠保证。那么,如何在创 Instructional design is the default teaching blueprint for the class, is the main script for the implementation of classroom teaching. In the creation of teaching design to highlight personality traits, is to ask our teachers to their own curriculum standard, teaching materials, teaching parameters of the unique understanding of the difficulties and difficulties of teaching accurate analysis of the optimal choice of teaching methods, teaching activities, The reasonable regulation of the teaching process in detail documented in the case, highlighting the distinctive, unique personality traits, people see at a glance to know this lesson plan is from who, who prepared. The highlighting of individuality and features in the creation of instructional design is the concentrated expression of our teachers’ teaching wisdom, highlighting the teaching style, releasing the teaching emotions and expressing the teaching thoughts. It is a credible guarantee of ideological and political lessons with personality characteristics. So, how to create
<正> T-unit的英文全称是Minimum Terminable Unit(最低限度终止单位)。T-unit包含哪些成分呢?用一句话来说,它包含一个主句和属于这个句子的一切从句。具体来讲就是: