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在现阶段生产条件下,合理选择应用农药,首先要提倡使用生物农药。高效生物农药阿维菌素是经发酵提纯工艺生产的抗生素,具有杀虫、杀螨、杀线虫的作用,对于防治红蜘蛛、梨木虱、介壳虫等害虫有特效,而对人畜、天敌安全,同时无污染,无残留。代表品种有阿巴丁、齐螨素、爱福丁、阿维虫清、7051杀螨素等。这些药剂的共同特点是以胃毒为主,兼触杀作用,并能横向传导,通过干扰害虫神经信息传导过程,使害虫在几小时内麻痹、拒食、死亡。使用阿维菌素不易产生抗性,对其它农药产生抗性的害虫也有效。1%海正灭虫灵、1.8%集琦虫螨素、1.8%害极灭,对于螨类、梨木虱、金纹细蛾等害虫,也是几种高效、低毒、安全、不易产生抗药性的生物农药。Bt杀虫剂防治早期落叶病有特效。Bt制剂成本低,高效,安全,不污染环境。生产无公害、低残留的高档果品,使用速效杀菌剂是最好的 Under the current production conditions, the rational choice of pesticides, we must first promote the use of biological pesticides. Efficient biopesticides abamectin is a fermentation process of antibiotics produced by purification, with insecticidal, acaricidal, nematicidal effect for the prevention and treatment of red spider, pear psylla, scale insects and other pests have special effects, but the human and animal, natural enemies of safety, At the same time no pollution, no residue. Represented varieties Abadin, mites Sufen, Ai Fuding, Avermectin clear, 7051 Acaricide and so on. The common feature of these agents is stomach poisoning, and contact and kill, and horizontal conduction, by interfering with the process of nerve pests information transmission, so that pests in a few hours paralysis, antifeedant, death. Use of avermectin is not easy to produce resistance, and other pests resistant pests are also effective. 1% Haizheng pest control spirit, 1.8% set Qi insect mites, 1.8% of the extremely harmful to pests, for mites, pear psylla, gold moth and other pests, but also several high efficiency, low toxicity, safety, easy to produce resistance Biological pesticides. Bt insecticide prevention and treatment of early deciduous disease have special effects. Bt preparation of low cost, efficient, safe, do not pollute the environment. Production of pollution-free, low-residue high-end fruit products, the use of quick-acting fungicide is the best
  PET-CTPET-CT是正电子发射体层与计算机断层成像(positron emission tomography and computed tomography)的简称.PET是反映组织代谢状况并使受体显像的技术.本文对PET-C
HIV感染者结核病(TB)的预防性治疗摘要1.推荐用异烟肼(Isoniazid)治疗HIV和TB混合感染者。但并不作为全球TB控制项目的一种策略。2.HIV/AIDS测试的和测试后的咨询中应进行TB及其和HIV感染之间联系的卫生教育。3.HIVIH性... Pre