
来源 :云南教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cutuf
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云南是人类的发源地之一,早在170万年前,这里就生活着“元谋人”。但云南不是文明的发祥处,没有文字、没有教育,人民长期生活在漫漫黑夜之中。公元前2700多年,中原地区已有了学校,云南仍处在结绳、刻木记事的年代。汉代,边疆与内地的交往日益增多。云南各族人民对中原文化由了解到向往,于是一个个不甘愚昧的人负笈千里,前往内地求学。从公元前121年到公元80年,先后有数十人出外投师。其中著名的如揲榆(今大理)人张叔、盘览,牂(月可)(今云南与贵州接壤一带)人尹珍,昆明人许叔等。行旅之苦,磨不灭先哲们向往光明的热情。以上传说虽不完全可 Yunnan is one of the cradles of mankind. As early as 1.7 million years ago, there lived the “Yuanmou people.” However, Yunnan is not the birthplace of civilization, no words, no education, long-term people live in the dark night. More than 2700 BC, the Central Plains region already has a school, Yunnan is still at the end of the rope, carved wooden era. During the Han dynasty, the border areas had more exchanges with the Mainland. The people of all ethnic groups in Yunnan learned of the longing for the Central Plains culture, and one after another, unwilling to ignorance, went to the Mainland to study. From 121 BC to 80 AD, there are dozens of foreign investors successively. One of the famous, such as Yu elm (now Dali) Zhang Shu, discourse, 牂 (May be) (now Yunnan and Guizhou border area) Yin Yin, Xu Kun Kunming. Travel brutal, never-ending pioneers longing for bright passion. The above legend is not entirely acceptable
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