Undistorted Cyclic Voltammograms at Scan Rates up to 2.5 MVs~(-1) through Positive Feedback Compensa

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jealy0717
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A circuit based on the current feedback operational amplifier was constructed to accomplish on-line ohmic drop compensation in ultrafast cyclic voltammetry. Firstly, its characteristics were confirmed experimentally on dummy cells. Then the reduction of anthracene in acetonitrile, a classical test example with very fast electron-transfer kinet-ics, was examined to prove them too. The results showed that this circuit could afford excellent ohmic drop com-pensation so that the undistorted voltammograms up to 2.2 MVs-1 scan rate can be recorded, and 2.5 MVs-1 if 5% error is tolerated. One, based on the current feedback operational amplifier was constructed to dummy on-line ohmic drop compensation in ultrafast cyclic voltammetry. Then the reduction of anthracene in acetonitrile, a classical test example with very fast electron-transfer kinet-ics, was examined to prove them too. The results showed that this circuit could afford excellent ohmic drop com-pensation so that the undistorted voltammograms up to 2.2 MVs-1 scan rate can be recorded, and 2.5 MVs-1 if 5% error is tolerated.
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