菌类食用颗粒 休闲食品

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项目特点:菌类食用颗粒是以食用菌为原料,经清洗,配以调料,蒸煮、烘干、切粒、调味、包装而成。将菌类食品加工成一种休闲食品,食用方便,利用人们更易接受的食用形式达到食品保健目的。食用菌如:香菇类食品,由于其具有大众化特点,又是传统食品,加上其本身的美味及制作过程中适当加入的调料,还有其适合食用利于消化吸收的颗粒形态,因此,此类食品将会长时期普遍受欢迎。生产此类食品需要的设备主要有清洗容器、蒸煮设备、烘干机及粉碎机等,调料调味品包含有少量盐、糖、酒、味精、香辛料等。设备及调料调味品市场均有供应。产品可根据人们的喜爱加工成“松”类形态,颗料大小可根据食用对象的不同加以调整,一般以像白砂糖颗粒大小为佳,其口味及含水量也可根据对象不同而改变。随着人们生活水平的提高,对类似菌类食用颗粒这样的休闲食品的需求日益增加,因而此项目具有很好的市场前景。 Characteristics of the project: Edible bacterium granules are edible mushrooms as raw materials, cleaned, seasoned with spices, steamed, dried, granulated, seasoned and packaged. The mushroom food is processed into a kind of snack food, which is convenient to eat and utilizes a more acceptable form of food for human health purposes. Edible fungus such as: mushroom food, because of its popular characteristics, but also the traditional food, plus its own taste and the appropriate seasoning in the production process, as well as its suitable for consumption of particles conducive to digestion and absorption, so this type of Food will be popular for a long time. The equipment needed for the production of such foods mainly includes cleaning containers, cooking equipment, dryers, and crushers. Seasoning condiments contain a small amount of salt, sugar, alcohol, monosodium glutamate, and spices. Equipment and condiment spices are available in the market. Products can be processed according to people’s favorite “loose” shape, size of particles can be adjusted according to the different edible objects, generally like the size of white granulated sugar is better, and its taste and moisture content can also be changed according to different objects. With the improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for snack foods such as edible granules of similar bacteria is increasing, and this project has a good market prospect.
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