
来源 :中国老区建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wy85396021
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老区加快发展,乃先烈之志、民心之愿、国运所在。多年来,我们以此为据,坚持不懈地呼吁老区建设纳入法制化、制度化轨道。数年的努力,成效尚可,但与老区发展的需要、与老区干部群众的要求、与党和国家对老区的希望相比,这些进步还远谈不上大踏步前进。比如,把“老区优先”原则写入国家五年规划,就迟迟未能实现。如今,回过头来看多年的努力,会不会有可能忽略了影响我们判断的一个常识:老区在哪里? Accelerate the development of the old district, is the martyrs ambition, the aspiration of the people, where the national transport. Over the years, on the basis of this principle, we persistently urged the construction of the old areas to be incorporated into a legalized and institutionalized track. Years of hard work and results are acceptable. However, these improvements are still far behind those of the needs of the development of the old areas, the demands of the cadres and the masses in the old areas and the hopes of the party and state in the old areas. For example, the “old-first” principle into the national five-year plan, it has not been implemented. Now, looking back at years of hard work, would it be possible to overlook a common sense that affects our judgment: Where is the old quarter?
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