
来源 :世界环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HuSiYou
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1826年,一个叫爱尔芒德·戴维的男孩出生在法国比利牛斯山区。这个在山里长大的孩子从小就热爱自然科学,喜欢野外探险,更喜欢和自然亲近,尤其喜欢各式各样的动物和植物。他经常到山野中捕捉昆虫,采集回来制成标本,在当地是小有名气的“博物学家”。戴维也许从来都没有想到,正是自己的爱好成就了他日后的若干重大发现。22岁时,戴维加入拉撒路教会。1852年,他向教会提出 In 1826, a boy named Elmander David was born in the French Pyrenees. The child who grew up in the mountains loved natural science, grew up adventurous, preferred to be close to nature, and especially loved all kinds of animals and plants. He often catches insects in the wilds and collects them back to make specimens, which are known locally as “naturalist”. David probably never imagined that it was his own hobby that made some of his major discoveries in the future. At the age of 22, David joined Lazarus Church. In 1852, he proposed to the church
This year they watched from the undemanding sanctuaryof Stanley Beach.while others sweated and strained forsupremacy in the women’s dragonboat competition.My
It felt like cominghome—the car wasparked in the drive,the door was ajar and the wel-come mat was out.But thiswas not my home—this wasKensington Palace,Londo
Kong got his first glimpse of thesea as he ran on the beach,which stretched like a white arealong the edge of the cove.Hebarked vociferously~2 with extravagant
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Experiments show that silts and silty soils exhibit contraction followed by dilation during shearing and the slope of failure line decreases at large strains, t