上饶县黄沙岭乡 建设生态文明 打造和谐乡村

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党的十七大报告指出:“要建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式”。近年来,江西上饶县黄沙岭乡在构建和谐社会过程中,不断寻求经济发展新定位,坚持经济发展向绿色 GDP 要效益,大力实施、“工业强乡、生态靓乡、农业稳乡、开放活乡、商贸旺乡、依法治乡”战略,全乡经济社会实现了又好又快发展。2007年,完成国内生产总值10505万元,比上年增长19%,全社会固定资产投资9781万元,增长25%,实现社会消费品零售总额8944万元,增长18%,完成财政收入805万元。今年上半年全乡已完成财政收入630万元,同比增长66%。黄沙岭乡之所以能在短期内有了较大发展,关键在于坚持科学发展、和谐发展、生态发展的理念,探索出了经济快速发展、文化内涵丰富、生态文明彰显的可持续发展之路。 The report of the 17th CPC National Congress pointed out: “To build ecological civilization, basically form an industrial structure, mode of growth and consumption pattern that saves energy and resources and protects the ecological environment.” In recent years, Shangrao County, Jiangxi Huangshaling Township in the process of building a harmonious society, continue to seek new economic development positioning, adhere to the economic development to green GDP to benefit, vigorously implement the “industrial stronghold, ecological Liangxiang, stable agriculture, open living Township, commercial Wang Township, according to the law governing the township ”strategy, the township economy and society to achieve sound and rapid development. In 2007, it completed a GDP of 105.05 million yuan, an increase of 19% over the previous year. The total fixed asset investment in the whole society was 97.81 million yuan, an increase of 25%. The total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 89.44 million yuan, an increase of 18%. The financial revenue was 8.05 million yuan yuan. The first half of this year the township has completed 6.3 million yuan in revenue, an increase of 66%. The key reason why Huangshaling Township can develop in a short period of time is to adhere to the concept of scientific development, harmonious development and ecological development and explore the road to sustainable development featuring rapid economic development, rich cultural connotation and highlighting ecological civilization.
距离7月21日清晨那两声震惊中外的公车爆炸已经一个月了,但昆明仍然笼罩在一种莫名的恐慌情绪里。    现在,昆明安不安全,云南安不安全?”  8月中旬的一天,一名成都的朋友给正在昆明采访的记者打来电话。除了日常的问候,他更想确定“亲戚们原计划8月到云南的旅游活动该不该取消”。  距离7月21日清晨那两声震惊中外的公车爆炸已经一个月了,但昆明仍然笼罩在一种莫名的恐慌情绪里。爆炸发生时,距北京奥运会成
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