
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:volomo
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传统的美术教学常以教师示范、幼儿模仿学习为主要方法,教师往往只注重教育的结果,而忽视教育的过程。两年来,我们南京市鼓楼区美术教研组经过实践和总结,逐步摸索出一套较有效的教学方法。简要地说。就是舍弃了示范这一步骤,以大量的欣赏和对实物的细致观察取代之,从而发挥幼儿的学习积极性和创造性。一、提供细致观察实物的机会,帮助幼儿建构物体的表象如小班画小树时,我们首先带幼儿观察各种各样的树,使其了解树的基本结构,然后请幼儿在白纸上用粗细不同的小树枝来制作树(连接处用胶带纸或橡皮泥)。在操作的过程中,让幼儿进一步认识树的结构。如树干比树枝粗,大树枝上长小树枝等。运用先观察、 Traditional art teaching often teachers demonstration, imitation of children as the main method, teachers tend to focus only on the results of education, while ignoring the process of education. In the past two years, our art teaching and research group in Gulou District of Nanjing City has gradually found out a set of more effective teaching methods through practice and conclusion. Briefly speaking. Is to abandon the demonstration of this step, with a lot of appreciation and careful observation of the material replaced, so as to play the children’s learning enthusiasm and creativity. First, to provide a detailed observation of physical opportunities to help children construct the appearance of small objects such as small tree, we first take a child observation of a variety of trees to understand the basic structure of the tree, and then asked the children to use on white paper Different thickness of the branches to make trees (with adhesive tape or plasticine). In the process of operation, let the children further understand the structure of the tree. Such as the trunk than the branches rough, branches and other long branches. Use first observation,
近期主推机型:R934、R944型履带式液压挖掘机 近日,本刊记者采访了利勃海尔机械服务(上海)有限公司总经理葛书凡博士。利勃海尔机械服务(上海)有限公司坐落在上海外高桥保税
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全国科技活动周是我国于2001年批准设立的大规模、群众性科学技术活动,由科技部会同中宣部、中国科协等19个部门和单位于每年5月第三周在 The National Science and Technol
小树爸爸有一本台历。这天,他刚把旧的“昨天”哗啦翻过去,眼睛就直了——新的“今天”上,谁已经写了一行汉语拼音:qǐng dǎkāiwǒde xiǎo shūchú.这不是小树写的吗?可
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